hand/arm side (n.) 7 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Polysemy
language Ancient Greek
lexeme χείρ
meaning 1 arm, hand
meaning 2 side, direction ἐπ᾽ ἀριστερὰ χειρός Hom. по правую сторону (руку); λαιᾶς χειρός Aesch. с левой стороны; ποτέρας τῆς χειρός; Eur. с какой стороны?
reference LSJ
comment LSJ 1983-1984
ACCEPTED Realization 2
type Polysemy
language English
lexeme hand
meaning 1 arm, hand He grasped the hot metal with his bare hands.
Он схватил горячий металл голыми руками.
meaning 2 side, direction a. no traffic on either hand of the road
1. никакого движения ни с той, ни с другой стороны дороги 2. Горы с обеих сторон становятся выше и круче.
ACCEPTED Realization 3
type Polysemy
language Japanese
lexeme te (手)
meaning 1 arm, hand
meaning 2 side, direction
comment ЯРИРЯС 276.
ACCEPTED Realization 4
type Cognates
language 1 Osetin
language 2 Pashto
lexeme 1 cong
lexeme 2 cang
meaning 1 arm, hand
meaning 2 side
comment An Iranian root *čanga with the primary meaning of 'hand'. ЭСИЯ 2, 220
ACCEPTED Realization 5
type Polysemy
language Russian
lexeme ruka
meaning 1 hand, arm
meaning 2 side (of two) a. Иди по одну руку речки, я пойду по другую. 'You go in one direction along the river, I will go in the other.' b. Он мою руку держит, он на моей стороне, за меня. 'He is holding my hand, he is on my side.'
comment Cf. Dal': "Бок, сторона, говоря только о двух сторонах: правой и левой; уклоненье от прямой черты вправо или влево. (Flank, side; is used about two side only - left and right. A deviation from the straight line to the left or to the right)". Also, ibid.: Правая, левая рука (right, left hand) - крыло, фланг войска (flank of the troops).
NEW Realization 6
type Polysemy
language Tamil
lexeme kai (கை)
meaning 1 hand/arm
meaning 2 side (n.)
reference Tamil lexicon
ACCEPTED Realization 7
type Polysemy
language Udi
lexeme aˁm
meaning 1 arm, hand
meaning 2 side, direction ача аъм
right hand, side (wing)
comment (Gukasjan 1974: 59)