to be angry to revolt, rebel 2 realizations
NEW Realization 1
Type Polysemy
Language Russian
Lexeme vozmuščenie
Meaning 1 indignation a. Испытывать возмущение 'to feel indignation'. b. Прийти в возмущение 'to get indignated'. c. Вызвать возмущение 'to make indignated'.
Meaning 2 rebellion (obs.) Возмущение войск.
The revolt of the army
Comment The original meaning ("вз-муч-ение") is that of mixing, puddling the liquid.
NEW Realization 2
Type Polysemy
Language Tabassaran
Lexeme ʁalχmiš xub
Meaning 1 to boil with indignation
Meaning 2 to rebel (against smn)
Comment (TabRus 107). Cf. the noun ГЪАЛХМИШВАЛ 'indignation, anger, wrath' and 'rebellion'.