to carry to steal 2 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
Type Derivation
Language Russian
Lexeme 1 nesti
Lexeme 2 nesun
Meaning 1 to carry a. Нести ребенка на руках 'to carry a child in one's arms'. b. Нести кладь на спине 'to carry a load on the back'.
Meaning 2 thief (who steals thinks from work)
ACCEPTED Realization 2
Type Derivation
Language Russian
Lexeme 1 peret'
Lexeme 2 speret'
Meaning 1 to draw, to pull Прет на себе громадное бревно.
He is carrying a huge log on his shoulders.
Meaning 2 to steal Караулов спер у дяди Васи какие-то там блинчики. (Куприн)
Karaulov stole from uncle Vasya some little pancakes. (Kuprin)
Comment Cf. in the meaning А: Сундук тяжелый, его с места не сопрешь 'The chest is heavy, you cannot move it'.