low (location) low (social) 7 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
Type Polysemy
Language Amharic
Lexeme zəḳḳətäñña
Meaning 1 low zəḳḳətäñña agär 'lowland ' (K 1639);
Meaning 2 humble, inferior mängäd mäṭräg zəḳḳətäñña səra näw 'street cleaning is a humble occupation';
Comment K 1639.
ACCEPTED Realization 2
Type Polysemy
Language Ancient Hebrew
Lexeme šāpāl
Meaning 1 low wə-yādəʕū kol-ʕăṣē ha-śśāde kī ʔănī yhwh hišpaltī ʕēş gābiăg higbahtī ʕēṣ šāpāl;
Hez. 17:24: 'and all the trees learned that I, Yahwe, felled the high tree, made high the low tree';
Meaning 2 of little worth ū-nəḳallotī ʕōd mizzōt wə-hāyītī šāpāl bə-ʕēyāy wə-ʕim-hāʔămāhōt ʔăšer ʔāmartə ʕimmām ʔikkābēdā
Sam. II 6:22: 'and I will make myself despicable more than that and I will become worthless in my own eyes, but with the girls that you have spoken of, with them I will be respected'
Comment (HALAT 1506-07). Cp. Accadian špl 'to be low; to become humble', IV 'to be humbled' (CAD 427):aššapil ina ṣābi ‘I became low among the people’; iššapil atmûa ‘my speech became humble’.
ACCEPTED Realization 3
Type Derivation
Language Geez
Lexeme 1 tāḥtāy
Lexeme 2 təḥut
Meaning 1 lower, inferior (LGz. 572) {derivation} kanfaru tāḥtāy yaʕabbi 'his lower lip is big' (LLA 554);
Meaning 2 abused, inferior, rejected, ignoble, contemptible' (LGz. 572) rāʔyu mənnun wa-təḥut ʔəm-kʷəllu sabʔ 'his appearance is more despicable and contemptible that of any person' (Jes. 53:3)
Comment (LGz. 572). Morphologically,tāḥtāy is more complex than təḥut. However, it is more than probable that the meaning A was also originally present in təḥut, eventually ousted by the meaning B. From proto-Semitic *tḥt 'to be low'
ACCEPTED Realization 4
Type Polysemy
Language Latin
Lexeme humilis
Meaning 1 low arbor humilis 'a low tree'
Meaning 2 poor, ignoble humiles et obscuri homines 'humble and obscure people';
ACCEPTED Realization 5
Type Polysemy
Language Russian
Lexeme низкий (nizkij)
Meaning 1 low низкие потолки
low ceilings
Meaning 2 contemptible человек низкого происхождения
a person of low origin
Reference BAS
NEW Realization 6
Type Polysemy
Language Serbian
Lexeme низак (nizak)
Meaning 1 low (location) низак плафон
low ceiling
Meaning 2 low (social) најнижи слој
the lowest social class
Reference Vujanitsh et al. 2007: 834
ACCEPTED Realization 7
Type Polysemy
Language Turkish
Lexeme alçak
Meaning 1 low alçak dağ
low mountain
Meaning 2 mean, despicable alçağadam
Reference Jusipova 2005