#2684 <weapon> army 3 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Polysemy
language Amharic
lexeme ṭor
meaning 1 'spear, lance, javelin' ṭor säbbäḳä
'to brandish a spear, heft a spear (before throwing it)''
meaning 2 'army' ṭoru bäṭəḳḳit ḳänat täṭäḳallo agäru yəgäbbal
In a few days the whole army will return to the country
comment K 2113
ACCEPTED Realization 2
type Polysemy
language Ancient Greek
lexeme δόρυ
meaning 1 spear
meaning 2 army ξύμμαχον δόρυ
ally's army
ACCEPTED Realization 3
type Polysemy
language Sanskrit
lexeme sénā
meaning 1 missile , dart , spear
meaning 2 an army , armament , battle-array , armed force
reference MW
comment MW 1246. Also 'a small army (consisting of 3 elephants , 3 chariots , 9 horse , and 15 foot)', 'any drilled troop or band or body of men'. Кочергина 746