to find to exist 2 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
Type Derivation
Language Classical Arabic
Lexeme 1 waǯada
Lexeme 2 wuǯida (passive from waǯada)
Meaning 1 to find waǯada ḍ-ḍāllat-a 'he found the stray beast'
Meaning 2 to exist
Comment (Lane 2924; also Wehr 1049).
ACCEPTED Realization 2
Type Derivation
Language Geez
Lexeme 1 rakaba
Lexeme 2 tarakba
Meaning 1 to find, to find again, to catch wa-za-hi ḫaśaśa yərakkəb 'and he who sought will find' (Matth. 7:8)
Meaning 2 to exist ʔalbo za-tarakba sayf wa-kʷənāt wəsta ʔədawihomu la-kʷəllu ḥəzb ʔəlla məsla sāʔol wa-yonātān 'there was no sword or spear in the hands of all those people who were with Saol and Jonathan' (1 Reg. 13:22);
ʔalbo za-tarakba za-kamāhā 'there is nothing which exists which is like her' (Job 28:15)
Comment (LLA 302-303)