#3597 to be ashamed to respect 2 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
type Polysemy
language Ancient Greek
lexeme αἰδέομαι
meaning 1 to be ashamed
meaning 2 to stand in awe of, fear αἰδεῖο θεούς, Ἀχιλεῦ
fear gods, Achilles!
reference LSJ
comment (LSJ 35-36). Also noun αἰδώς 'shame', 'respect, awe'
ACCEPTED Realization 2
type Polysemy
language Geez
lexeme ḫafara
meaning 1 to blush, be ashamed ʔaḫaffər ʔānśəʔ gaṣṣəya (2 Esr. 9:6)

I am ashamed to raise my face.

meaning 2 to revere, respect kama ʔəgziʔtəya ʔəressəyakki waʔaḫaffərakki kama ʔəḫtəya (d'Abbadie 1860:2)

I regard you as my lady and respect you as my sister.

reference LLA: 626
comment Likely a calque from Greek.