meat body part 1 realization
ACCEPTED Realization 1
Type Polysemy
Language Geez
Lexeme ʔabāl
Meaning 1 flesh, meat gamadu malelitomu kama śəgā wəsta ṣəhərt wa-kama ʔabāl wəsta maḳṣ́ut ‘they cut their lims like flesh in a pot and like meat in a cauldron’ (Mich. 3,3)
Meaning 2 limb, body part ʔəsma yəḫeyyəsakka kama yətḥagʷal ʔaḥadu ʔəm-ʔabāləka ʔəm-ʔabāləka ʔəm-kʷəllu śəgāka ‘for it is better for you if one of your limbs perishes rather than the whole of your flesh’ (Matth. 5:29)
Comment (LLA 755)