to penetrate, get into to understand 4 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
Type Semantic evolution
Language 1 Old East Slavic
Language 2 Russian
Lexeme 1 въникнути
Lexeme 2 вникнуть
Meaning 1 to get into Како же можешь разумети, когда ни просто вникнути хотя. Но приими рукама книгы, прочти историю всю приим.
How could you understand it if you do not even want to look into the book? Take the book in your hands and having taken it read the whole story.
Meaning 2 to understand Князь Андрей <...> старался вникнуть в характер управления армией... (Толстой, "Война и мир")
Prince Andrey <...> was trying to understand how to lead an army... (Tolstoy, "War and peace")
Reference MAS
Comment Calqued from Greek egkýptein 'to lean over and look inside'
ACCEPTED Realization 2
Type Polysemy
Language Russian
Lexeme въехать
Meaning 1 to penetrate, get into въехать в страну
Meaning 2 to understand я не въезжаю
Reference <personally collected data>
Comment The meaning 2 is colloquial
ACCEPTED Realization 3
Type Polysemy
Language Russian
Lexeme врубиться
Meaning 1 to penetrate, get into Пехотный манипул попал в мешок, и если бы не врубилась с фланга кавалерийская турма <...> не пришлось бы разговаривать с Крысобоем. [М. А. Булгаков. Мастер и Маргарита, часть 1 (1929-1940)]
Meaning 2 to understand я не врубаюсь
Reference NRC
Comment The meaning 2 is colloquial
NEW Realization 4
Type Polysemy
Language Russian
Lexeme просечь
Meaning 1 to make a hole in something with a sharp object
Meaning 2 to understand Каким-то образом он уже начал просекать, что скромность и карьера понятия несовместимые.[Николай Рубан. Тельняшка для киборга (2003) // «Боевое искусство планеты», 18.10.2003]
Somehow he has already started to realize that humility is incompatible with career.
Reference MAS NRC
Comment The first meaning is rare in modern Russian.