#5021 to spring, jump to begin (intr.) 1 realization
NEW Realization 1
type Polysemy
language Soqotri
lexeme ḳéḷom
meaning 1 to spring, jump ʕouyɛ́ghɛn ḳélom men ḥóyhi di-ri di-séḳl’ehel’ (CSOL II 363)

A boy jumped from the ground onto a rock.

meaning 2 to appear, emerge ḳotélem megóši be-ẓ̂ayɛ́fe di-méṣʕod ḥte ʕaf tṣábaḥ wa-di-ṣabḥ ḳélom ʕéyhen medérhem di-yéṣrer (Maria Bulakh's field notes)

The boys were jumping together at a wedding-feast of Meṣʕod, all the night till morning. In the morning their heels suddenly began to ache (lit. 'the aching heels jumped upon them).

reference CSOL I: 589 CSOL II: 513 LS: 376