to sharpen to set bounds 1 realization
NEW Realization 1
type Semantic evolution
language Classical Arabic
lexeme حدّ ḥadda
meaning 1 to sharpen, to hone (a knife, a sword with a stone or file)

استحدّ (X-stem) (ˀistaḥadda)

to sharpen a razor

meaning 2 to delimit, to set bounds استحدّ

حَدَّ شَيْئًا مِنْ غَيْرِهِ (ḥadda šayˀān min γayri-hi)

He distinguished (separated by a mark or a note) one thing from another (e.g. a house from adjacent territories).

reference Wehr: 187 Lane: 525

Cf. also ḥadd- 'limit; (fig.) restriction ' (Wehr:187).