to burn (intr.) angry 13 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
Type Polysemy
Language Amharic
Lexeme täḳaṭṭälä
Meaning 1 to burn betu ahunəm ʔəyyätäḳaṭälä näw
the house is still burning
Meaning 2 to be angry bänəddet täḳaṭälä
to burn with rage
Reference Leslau 1973: 150 AED: 829
ACCEPTED Realization 2
Type Polysemy
Language Amharic
Lexeme bäggänä
Meaning 1 to be scorched, parched
Meaning 2 to be angry
Reference AED: 943
NEW Realization 3
Type Polysemy
Language Batsbi
Lexeme c̣e latar
Meaning 1 to catch fire
Meaning 2 to get angry, to get into a rage.
Reference Bertlani (ed.) 2018: 159
Comment c̣e 'fire'
ACCEPTED Realization 4
Type Cognates
Language 1 Classical Arabic
Language 2 Tigrinya
Lexeme 1 احْتَرَقَ ʔiḥtaraḳa
Lexeme 2 ḥaräḳä
Meaning 1 to burn (intr.)
Meaning 2 to be or become angry
Reference Lane: 552 TED: 188
Comment From PS *ḥrḳ ‘to burn’ (Lane 551, WTS 68, TED 188). The shift of meaning is common, cf. Hbr. ḥry (HALOT 351); cf. also Tgr. ḥarḳa ‘to be angry’ (WTS 68). 
ACCEPTED Realization 5
Type Polysemy
Language Classical Arabic
Lexeme ضَرِمَ ḍarima
Meaning 1 to burn ḍarimat-i n-nār-u
the fire became kindled, burned up
Meaning 2 to burn with anger ḍarima ʕalayhi
he burned with anger against him
Reference Lane: 1788 BK: II 24
ACCEPTED Realization 6
Type Cognates
Language 1 Classical Arabic
Language 2 Soqotri
Lexeme 1 ʔiḥtaraḳa
Lexeme 2 ḥatéraḳ
Meaning 1 to burn (intr.)
Meaning 2 to choke with rage

hóhon tóˀo gédaḥk di-ṣanˁá kor esófer di-saḳɔ́ṭri aḷ-ṭʸaf ḥe táḏkira ézˁomk énṭen gedóḥo trɔ íˁbɛr ˁéyhi táḏkira di-saḳɔ́ṭri ṭʸaf ˁéyhi wa-hi éṣtet ˁámok ḷóˀo aḷ-yóuṭaf ḥéyho wa-ḥtérḳik béne ˁaf ekoľíbin wa-gédaḥ mudír wa-kóľibk toy ˁámok ḷóˀo aḷ-yóuṭaf ḥe

When I arrived in Sanaˀa in order to travel to Soqotra, no ticket was given to me. I waited for a while, and then two men came - and the tickets to Soqotra were given to them. Now I saw all of this and said: “Why was no ticket given to me?!” I was almost choking with anger and started ranting. Then the director came and I berated him, saying: “Why was no ticket sold to me?”

Reference Lane: 551 CSOL II: 20:53 (comments)
ACCEPTED Realization 7
Type Polysemy
Language Gagauz
Lexeme ateş al-
Meaning 1 to catch fire (lit. to take fire)
Meaning 2 to be angry, to storm
Comment ГРМС 57.
NEW Realization 8
Type Derivation
Language Russian
Lexeme 1 пылать
Lexeme 2 вспылить
Meaning 1 to burn (intr.)
Meaning 2 to get angry
Reference <personally collected data>
ACCEPTED Realization 9
Type Polysemy
Language Tibetan
Lexeme abar-mo
Meaning 1 burning
Meaning 2 wrath
Comment Рерих VI, 304.
ACCEPTED Realization 10
Type Polysemy
Language Tigrinya
Lexeme nädädä
Meaning 1 to burn zäməṣaʔkaläy ʕəč̣̣ ʔaynäddədən
The wood you brought me does not burn, catch fire. 
Meaning 2 to be angry
Reference TED: 1363
Comment Cf. also zənäddädä 'alight (lit up); mad, angry' (TED 1363); zinäddəd 'combustible, flaming; irascible, easily angered, choleric' (TED 1363); cf. also Amh. tänaddädä 'to get angry, mad; to catch fire' (AED 1056) (original meaning 'to burn', cf. Geez nadada).
ACCEPTED Realization 11
Type Polysemy
Language Tigrinya
Lexeme bägg bälä
Meaning 1 to shine, gleam all at once, flare up, make a burst of flame or light
Meaning 2 to flare up in anger
Reference TED: 1202
ACCEPTED Realization 12
Type Polysemy
Language Turkish
Lexeme alevlen-
Meaning 1 to catch fire, to ignite
Meaning 2 to get agitated, irritated
Comment ТуРС 46.
NEW Realization 13
Type Polysemy
Language Zulu
Lexeme bhebhetheka
Meaning 1 to burn (intr.)
Meaning 2 to speak with anger
Reference Луцков А.Д. Зулу-Русский словарь 2014: 20