old (vs. young) parents 7 realizations
ACCEPTED Realization 1
Type Polysemy
Language Croatian
Lexeme star
Meaning 1 old (vs. young)

vrlo star

very old (man)

Meaning 2 ancestors

naši stari

our ancestors 

Reference HJP
ACCEPTED Realization 2
Type Derivation
Language Dutch
Lexeme 1 oud
Lexeme 2 ouder
Meaning 1 old (vs. young)
Meaning 2 parent
Reference Mironov 1987
ACCEPTED Realization 3
Type Derivation
Language German
Lexeme 1 alt
Lexeme 2 Eltern
Meaning 1 old (vs. young)
Meaning 2 parents
Reference DWDS English Wiktionary

From Middle High German eltern, from Old High German eltirōn, from Proto-Germanic *alþizô.

The form is equivalent to a nominalised comparative of alt 'old'. The according spelling Ältern was common in Early Modern German, but later went out of fashion. Several sources claim that this was due to incomprehension of the etymology, but that seems implausible given its obviousness. An alternative explanation would be the desire to distinguish between Eltern 'parents' and die Älteren 'older ones, elders', which latter was commonly spelt Ältern.

ACCEPTED Realization 4
Type Derivation
Language Latvian
Lexeme 1 vecs
Lexeme 2 vecāki
Meaning 1 old
Meaning 2 parents
Reference LEV 1992
Comment The term vecāki 'parents' constitutes a nominalized use of the comparative plural form of the adjective vecs 'old' and a calque of German Eltern 'parents'. In previous centuries it was also used in the sense of 'ancient ones', 'ancestors', 'elders', 'wise ones'; in the 20th century, its meaning had become restricted to 'parents'. Previously, combinations like tēvs un māte 'father and mother' or tēvs māmiņa lit. 'father-mommy'.
ACCEPTED Realization 5
Type Derivation
Language Old English
Lexeme 1 ealdor
Lexeme 2 ealdres
Meaning 1 elder
Meaning 2 parents
Comment Bosworth, Toller 228
NEW Realization 6
Type Polysemy
Language Romanian
Lexeme bătrân
Meaning 1 old (vs. young)
Meaning 2 parents
Reference MDA2
ACCEPTED Realization 7
Type Polysemy
Language Serbian
Lexeme star (стар)
Meaning 1 old (vs. young)

стари човек

old man

Meaning 2 parents, ancestors

Његови стари су били јунаци.

His ancestors were heroes.

Reference Vujanitsh et al. 2007: 1266-1267