dream (during sleep) ejaculation 3 realizations
NEW Realization 1
type Polysemy
language Classical Arabic
lexeme حَلَمَ ḥalama
meaning 1 to have a dream

حَلَمَ فِى نَوْمِهِ (ḥalama fī nawmi-hi)

He saw a dream, or vision in his sleep.

meaning 2 to have pollutions

بلغ الحُلْم (balaγa l-ḥulmi)

to become mature

reference Lane: 631 BK: 482

From PS *ḥlm 'to dream; have nocturnal ejaculations when dreaming' (SED I No. 25ᵥ; HALOT 320)

NEW Realization 2
type Polysemy
language Soqotri
lexeme 1 fíti
lexeme 2 fíti
meaning 1 to be fulfilled (a dream)

šódimk wa-fíti énhi díˀʸho méžrɛhɛr (Naumkin et al. 2015:47)

I saw a dream and it was fulfilled for me.

meaning 2 to ejaculate

daḫáľ ŝíbɛb díˀʸheʰ ḷe-ˁážeʰ wa-fíti diˀáḷ díˀʸheʰ ˁážeʰ (Naumkin et al. 2015:47)

The old man entered his wife and ejaculated.

reference CSOL I: 539
comment From PS *ptw 'to desire' (SED I No. 41v).
NEW Realization 3
type Derivation
language Syriac
lexeme 1 ḥlm
lexeme 2 ḥlmlm
meaning 1 to dream
meaning 2 to pollute
reference LSyr.: 234 SL: 457

Lexeme B is t-stem with a partial reduplication.