a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Meaning Explication As a source As a target Taxon
<alcoholic drink> drink that contains ethanol, a type of alcohol produced by fermentation of grains, fruits, or other sources of sugar 1 Plants Show all shifts
<animal> Any kind of beasts, birds or insects. Not an animal in general but a particular representative of the fauna. 12 Animals Show all shifts
<artiodactyl (even-toed animal)> one of ungulate mammals with an even number of toes and belonging to the Artiodactyla, including pigs, sheep, deer, cattle, and most grazing animals 1 Animals Show all shifts
abdomen cavity of the belly, which is lined by the peritoneum, and contains the viscera; often restricted in humans to the part between the diaphragm and the commencement of the pelvis 2 3 N/a Show all shifts
aberration of mind None 1 Human being Show all shifts
abies (Abies) tree of the genus Abies 1 3 Plants Show all shifts
ability quality or state of being able; capacity to do or of doing something; having the necessary power 1 Abstract entities Show all shifts
aborigine native inhabitant 1 N/a Show all shifts
about 1 N/a Show all shifts
above 1 Space Show all shifts
abracadabra Gibberish, meaningless sequence of sounds or words. N/a Show all shifts
abrupt, offensive 1 N/a Show all shifts
abstinent (from alcohol) 1 N/a Show all shifts
abundance 2 2 Abstract entities Show all shifts
abundant N/a Show all shifts
accident 1 2 N/a Show all shifts
accomplice 1 Human being Show all shifts
according to 1 N/a Show all shifts
ace (playing card) playing card with a single spot 2 N/a Show all shifts
acid any of a class of water-soluble compounds, having sour taste, that turn blue litmus red, and react with some metals to liberate hydrogen, and with bases to form salts 1 N/a Show all shifts
aconite 2 Plants Show all shifts
acorn fruit of the oak, being an oval nut growing in a woody cup 6 Plants Show all shifts
acrobat, equilibrist 1 Human being Show all shifts
act, deed 1 1 N/a Show all shifts
active 2 7 Evaluation Show all shifts
activity 1 N/a Show all shifts
acute (disease, condition) 1 N/a Show all shifts
acute (of sound) 1 1 Sound Show all shifts
Adam's apple lump in the throat, usually more noticeable in men than in women; the laryngeal prominence 1 Body parts Show all shifts
additional 1 Non-physical Show all shifts
address (description of the location) description of the location of a property, usually with at least a street name and number, name of a town, and now also a postal code; such a description as superscribed for direction on an envelope or letter 1 N/a Show all shifts
adopted child 1 N/a Show all shifts
adulterer one who commits adultery: a spouse who has sex with a non-spouse 3 Human being Show all shifts
advantage superiority of position or condition; a factor or circumstance of benefit to its possessor (Merriam-Webster) 1 N/a Show all shifts
Advent period of the Christian church year between Advent Sunday and Christmas 1 N/a Show all shifts
advice opinion offered to guide behavior in an effort to be helpful 1 1 N/a Show all shifts
aër (veil covering vessels in the Orthodox Church) the largest and outermost of the veils covering the Chalice and Diskos in the Eastern Orthodox Church and the Eastern Catholic Churches which follow the Byzantine Rite 1 N/a Show all shifts
aesthetic perception 2 Abstract entities Show all shifts
after 2 1 Time Show all shifts
afterbirth, placenta organ in most mammals during gestation that supplies food and oxygen to the foetus and passes back waste. It is on wall of the uterus and links to the foetus through the umbilical cord. It is expelled after birth 24 N/a Show all shifts
afterworld supposed world that is entered after death 1 N/a Show all shifts
again 1 3 Time Show all shifts
against in opposition or hostility to 1 N/a Show all shifts
age 2 4 Abstract entities Show all shifts
age group None 1 Artifacts Show all shifts
ahead 1 2 Space Show all shifts
aim, goal 1 1 Abstract entities Show all shifts
air 15 3 Natural objects Show all shifts
airplane powered heavier-than-air aircraft with fixed wings 2 N/a Show all shifts
ajvar (vegetable dish) dish of chopped vegetables or mushrooms 1 N/a Show all shifts
albugo, wall-eye 2 Physiology Show all shifts
albumen, white of an egg 3 1 N/a Show all shifts
alder (tree) tree or shrub of the genus Alnus 3 2 Plants Show all shifts
algae 2 1 Plants Show all shifts
alive 3 Other physical Show all shifts
All Saints' Day a Christian solemnity celebrated in honour of all the saints of the Church; 1 November (Western Christianity), Sunday after Pentecost (Eastern Christianity) 1 N/a Show all shifts
all, whole throughout the whole of 2 N/a Show all shifts
almond seed within the drupe of a small deciduous tree in family Rosaceae, Prunus amygdalus, considered a culinary nut 2 N/a Show all shifts
almost very close to, but not quite 3 Grammatical markers Show all shifts
Aloe vera (plant) 1 2 N/a Show all shifts
alone 3 Non-physical Show all shifts
already 2 1 Time Show all shifts
although 1 Grammatical markers Show all shifts
aluminium light, silvery metal extracted from bauxite, and a chemical element (symbol Al) with an atomic number of 13 5 N/a Show all shifts
always 3 N/a Show all shifts
amazing 2 2 Non-physical Show all shifts
amber 1 Natural objects Show all shifts
ambience, vibe None 1 Abstract entities Show all shifts
ambush 7 Abstract entities Show all shifts
American citizen or national of the United States of America 1 N/a Show all shifts
Amorphophallus paeoniifolius tropical tuber plant, elephant foot yam 1 N/a Show all shifts
anathema ban or curse pronounced with religious solemnity by ecclesiastical authority, often accompanied by excommunication 1 N/a Show all shifts
ancestor one from whom a person is descended, whether on the father's or mother's side, at any distance of time; a progenitor 2 6 N/a Show all shifts
anchor tool used to moor a vessel to the bottom of a sea or river to resist movement 5 N/a Show all shifts
anemic suffering from anemia 1 N/a Show all shifts
anemone (Anemone) 1 Plants Show all shifts
angel incorporeal and sometimes divine messenger from a deity, or other divine entity, often depicted in art as a youthful winged figure in flowing robes 1 Abstract entities Show all shifts
anger 1 7 Abstract entities Show all shifts
angle 1 1 N/a Show all shifts
angry 4 18 Non-physical Show all shifts
Anguis fragilis 8 N/a Show all shifts
animal 7 12 Animals Show all shifts
animal bladder specially treated pig or cow bladder used as window glass 1 N/a Show all shifts
animal yield 1 N/a Show all shifts
ankle 1 3 Body parts Show all shifts
ankle bone for playing astragalus of the ankle of a sheep or goat used for traditional games and fortune-telling 2 Artifacts Show all shifts
annoying 1 N/a Show all shifts
ant insect of the family Formicidae in the order Hymenoptera, typically living in large colonies 4 3 Animals Show all shifts
anteater any of several animals, in suborder Vermilingua, which are noted for eating ants and termites which they catch with their long sticky tongues 2 N/a Show all shifts
antelope 1 Animals Show all shifts
anthrax acute infectious disease of herbivores, especially sheep and cattle, caused by Bacillus anthracis, and the human disease that can occur in humans through contact with infected herbivores, tissue from infected animals, or high concentrations of anthrax spores, but is not usually spread between humans, with symptoms including lesions on the skin or in the lungs, often fatal 2 Human being Show all shifts
antimony chemical element (symbol Sb, from Latin stibium) with an atomic number of 51: a lustrous gray and very brittle metalloid 1 N/a Show all shifts
anus lower orifice of the alimentary canal, through which feces and flatus are ejected 1 1 N/a Show all shifts
anvil (of a blacksmith) heavy iron block used in the blacksmithing trade as a surface upon which metal can be struck and shaped 1 N/a Show all shifts
anxiety unpleasant state of mental uneasiness, nervousness, apprehension and obsession or concern about some uncertain event 2 N/a Show all shifts
any 1 2 Evaluation Show all shifts
aorta great artery which carries the blood from the heart to all parts of the body except the lungs; the main trunk of the arterial system 1 N/a Show all shifts
apartment, flat complete domicile occupying only part of a building, usually on one level and usually consisting of more than one room 1 N/a Show all shifts
appearance, look Here: to have an appearance 2 N/a Show all shifts
appetite, hunger desire to eat food or consume drink 1 1 N/a Show all shifts
apple round fruit produced by the tree Malus domestica, cultivated in temperate climates 8 Plants Show all shifts
approximately imprecise but close to in quantity or amount 2 Abstract entities Show all shifts
apricot round sweet and juicy stone fruit, resembling peach or plum in taste, with a yellow-orange flesh, lightly fuzzy skin and a large seed inside; apricot tree, Prunus armeniaca 1 N/a Show all shifts
April fourth month of the Gregorian calendar, following March and preceding May 21 N/a Show all shifts
Aquarius (constellation) constellation of the zodiac, supposedly shaped like a water carrier 2 1 N/a Show all shifts
arbalest, crossbow ranged weapon using an elastic launching device consisting of a bow-like assembly, mounted horizontally on a main frame, which is hand-held in a similar fashion to the stock of a long firearm 1 N/a Show all shifts
arc 3 Artifacts Show all shifts
archer one who shoots an arrow from a bow or a bolt from a crossbow 1 N/a Show all shifts
Arctic fox mammal Vulpes lagopus, a fox-like carnivore of the family Canidae living in the Arctic regions of North America and Eurasia 3 Animals Show all shifts
Aries constellation of the zodiac supposedly shaped like a ram 1 2 N/a Show all shifts
arm the part between the shoulder and the wrist 3 N/a Show all shifts
armadillo any of the burrowing mammals covered with bony, jointed, protective plates, order Cingulata, found in the Americas, especially in South America 1 1 N/a Show all shifts
armpit cavity beneath the junction of the arm and shoulder 5 2 Body parts Show all shifts
army large, highly organized military force 3 4 Human being Show all shifts
arrogance state of being arrogant; a type of extreme or foolish pride in which someone feels much superior to another 1 N/a Show all shifts
arrogant having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities 5 N/a Show all shifts
arrow projectile consisting of a shaft, a point and a tail with stabilizing fins that is shot from a bow 13 7 Artifacts Show all shifts
arrow fletching feathers of an arrow used to stabilize the longitudinal axis of the projectile parallel to the flight path 1 N/a Show all shifts
arterial (blood) blood purified from carbon dioxide and saturated with oxygen (oxygenated), in contrast to venous blood 1 N/a Show all shifts
artery blood vessels forming part of the circulation system by which blood is conveyed away from the heart 3 N/a Show all shifts
artichoke plant related to the thistle with enlarged flower heads eaten as a vegetable while immature, Cynara cardunculus var. scolymus 1 N/a Show all shifts
as, like 3 N/a Show all shifts
ash (tree) shade tree of the genus Fraxinus 1 2 Plants Show all shifts
ashes solid remains of a fire 7 Natural objects Show all shifts
Asiatic dock Rumex confertus, a plant species in the family Polygonaceae 1 Human being Show all shifts
asleep in a state of sleep 1 N/a Show all shifts
asp (fish) (Aspius aspius, Leuciscus aspius) a European freshwater fish of the Cyprinidae family 1 N/a Show all shifts
aspen poplar tree, especially of section Populus sect. Populus, of medium-size trees with thin, straight trunks of a greenish-white color 2 3 Plants Show all shifts
asphodel plant of the genus Asphodelus 1 N/a Show all shifts
aspic (dish) dish in which ingredients are set into a gelatine, jelly-like substance made from a meat stock or consommé 1 N/a Show all shifts
assistant person who assists or helps someone else 1 N/a Show all shifts
astringent, tart 2 1 N/a Show all shifts
atheist person who does not believe in deities 3 Human being Show all shifts
atmosphere gases surrounding the Earth or any astronomical body 1 N/a Show all shifts
attack (n.) attempt to cause damage, injury to, or death of opponent or enemy 1 Human being Show all shifts
attack of disease (medicine) the sudden onset of a disease or condition 1 Human being Show all shifts
attentive 1 2 Non-physical Show all shifts
auger, gimlet 1 N/a Show all shifts
August eighth month of the Roman, Julian, and Gregorian calendars, following July and preceding September 1 14 Time Show all shifts
aunt 2 N/a Show all shifts
aunt (father's brother's wife) 2 N/a Show all shifts
aunt (father's sister) 6 3 N/a Show all shifts
aunt (mother's brother's wife) 2 1 N/a Show all shifts
aunt (mother's sister) 5 3 N/a Show all shifts
auricle visible part of the ear that is outside the head 7 N/a Show all shifts
author originator or creator of a work, especially of a literary composition 1 N/a Show all shifts
authorities persons in command 1 N/a Show all shifts
automobile type of vehicle designed to move on the ground under its own stored power and intended to carry a driver, a small number of additional passengers, and a very limited amount of other load 2 N/a Show all shifts
autumn the third of the four seasons, when deciduous trees lose their leaves; typically regarded as being from September 24 to December 22 in parts of the Northern Hemisphere, and the months of March, April and May in the Southern Hemisphere 7 2 Time Show all shifts
autumn fall of the leaves autumn fall of the leaves 2 N/a Show all shifts
awake not asleep; conscious 1 N/a Show all shifts
award 2 N/a Show all shifts
away 1 N/a Show all shifts
awl pointed instrument for piercing small holes, as in leather or wood 2 1 Artifacts Show all shifts
awn bristle or beard of barley, oats, grasses, etc., or any similar bristlelike appendage; arista. 4 N/a Show all shifts
axe tool for felling trees or chopping wood etc. consisting of a heavy head flattened to a blade on one side, and a handle attached to it; also an ancient weapon consisting of a head that has one or two blades and a long handle 3 4 Artifacts Show all shifts
axle pin or spindle on which a wheel revolves, or which revolves with a wheel 1 N/a Show all shifts