a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Meaning Explication As a source As a target Taxon
<dance> 1 N/a Show all shifts
<disease> 2 Physiology Show all shifts
<dish> 1 Artifacts Show all shifts
dairy product products produced from milk 1 1 N/a Show all shifts
daisy (Bellis) 1 N/a Show all shifts
dance (n.) sequence of rhythmic steps or movements usually performed to music, for pleasure or as a form of social interaction 1 Abstract entities Show all shifts
dandelion plant common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) 1 11 Plants Show all shifts
dandruff scaly white dead skin flakes from the human scalp; Pityriasis capitis 1 Natural objects Show all shifts
danger 1 1 Abstract entities Show all shifts
dangerous 1 5 Evaluation Show all shifts
daphne plant Daphne in the family Thymelaeaceae 1 N/a Show all shifts
dark (adj.) 13 5 Light and Colour Show all shifts
dark blue deep, dim blue colour 1 N/a Show all shifts
dark-skinned 2 Light and Colour Show all shifts
date day and month of an event 2 Animals Show all shifts
date (Phoenix dactylifera) fruit of the date palm, Phoenix dactylifera, somewhat in the shape of an olive, containing a soft, sweet pulp and enclosing a hard kernel. 1 1 Plants Show all shifts
daughter one’s female offspring 11 10 Kinship Show all shifts
daughter's husband 3 N/a Show all shifts
daughter-in-law 1 4 Human being Show all shifts
dawn 1 N/a Show all shifts
day period between sunrise and sunset where one enjoys daylight; daytime 6 3 Natural objects Show all shifts
day nursery institution for small children who not yet have begun primary school during daytime (when their parents work); a daycare centre 1 Human being Show all shifts
daydream (n.) fanciful series of thoughts while awake not connected to immediate reality 2 Abstract entities Show all shifts
dead (adj.) no longer living 2 3 Non-physical Show all shifts
deadlock standstill resulting from the opposition of two evenly matched forces; a stalemate or impasse 1 N/a Show all shifts
deaf unable to hear 8 1 Other physical Show all shifts
dear, darling None 16 Evaluation Show all shifts
death cessation of life and all associated processes; the end of an organism's existence as an entity independent from its environment and its return to an inert, nonliving state 2 5 N/a Show all shifts
debt 1 1 N/a Show all shifts
deceased 1 N/a Show all shifts
December twelfth and last month of the Gregorian calendar, following November and preceding the January of the following year 21 N/a Show all shifts
decent 1 N/a Show all shifts
deception Abstract entities Show all shifts
deck (of a ship) floorlike covering of the horizontal sections, or compartments, of a ship. Small vessels have only one deck; larger ships have two or three decks 1 N/a Show all shifts
deep 6 3 Size Show all shifts
deer ruminant mammal with antlers and hooves of the family Cervidae, or one of several similar animals from related families of the order Artiodactyla 4 2 N/a Show all shifts
defect 1 4 Abstract entities Show all shifts
defender 1 N/a Show all shifts
deficiency None 3 Non-physical Show all shifts
definite, certain 1 N/a Show all shifts
definition 1 N/a Show all shifts
degree (unit of measurement) unit of measurement of angle or temperature 1 N/a Show all shifts
delicate, subtle (person, question etc.) 1 Evaluation Show all shifts
den (of thieves etc.) place where people meet in secret, typically to engage in an illicit activity 1 N/a Show all shifts
dense (forest) 1 1 N/a Show all shifts
dense, thick (liquid) 4 3 Other physical Show all shifts
dependant a person who depends on another for support, particularly financial support 1 N/a Show all shifts
deprived of, lacking 2 Non-physical Show all shifts
descendant one of the progeny of a specified person, at any distance of time or through any number of generations 1 4 Human being Show all shifts
desert (n.) 1 2 Natural objects Show all shifts
desire, wish what one wants 2 N/a Show all shifts
despot, tyrant ruler who governs unjustly, cruelly, or harshly 1 N/a Show all shifts
destiny 2 11 Abstract entities Show all shifts
detailed, thorough 2 Non-physical Show all shifts
detective Human being Show all shifts
devil, satan 7 6 Abstract entities Show all shifts
dew moisture from the atmosphere condensed by cool bodies upon their surfaces 7 3 Natural objects Show all shifts
diabetes any of a group of metabolic diseases whereby a person (or other animal) has high blood sugar due to an inability to produce, or inability to metabolize, sufficient quantities of the hormone insulin 1 N/a Show all shifts
diagonal 1 N/a Show all shifts
dialect variety of a language that is characteristic of a particular area, community or social group, differing from other varieties of the same language in relatively minor ways as regards grammar, phonology, and lexicon 1 1 Abstract entities Show all shifts
diamond glimmering glass-like mineral that is an allotrope of carbon in which each atom is surrounded by four others in the form of a tetrahedron; a gemstone made from this mineral 2 N/a Show all shifts
diamonds (in cards) one of the four suits of playing cards, marked with the symbol ♦ 15 Abstract entities Show all shifts
diaphragm in mammals, a sheet of muscle separating the thorax from the abdomen, contracted and relaxed in respiration to draw air into and expel air from the lungs 6 N/a Show all shifts
diarrhea gastrointestinal disorder characterized by frequent and very soft or watery bowel movements 1 Physiology Show all shifts
dictionary 2 N/a Show all shifts
different not the same, exhibiting a difference 1 1 N/a Show all shifts
difficult not easy, requiring much effort 8 15 Evaluation Show all shifts
digit (mathematics) whole numbers from 0 to 9 and the Arabic numerals representing them, which are combined to represent base-ten numbers 2 1 N/a Show all shifts
dim 1 1 N/a Show all shifts
dimple 1 N/a Show all shifts
dinner fork 1 1 Artifacts Show all shifts
dinner, evening meal evening meal 3 N/a Show all shifts
diphtheria 1 N/a Show all shifts
direction 2 3 Abstract entities Show all shifts
directly N/a Show all shifts
dirty 8 2 Other physical Show all shifts
disc thin, flat, circular plate or similar object 1 N/a Show all shifts
disease 5 5 Abstract entities Show all shifts
disgrace 1 Abstract entities Show all shifts
disgusting 4 N/a Show all shifts
dishonest 1 N/a Show all shifts
disorder, mess 4 Abstract entities Show all shifts
dispute, discussion 1 N/a Show all shifts
dissimilar, distinct not the same, exhibiting a difference 1 N/a Show all shifts
dissolute unrestrained by morality 2 N/a Show all shifts
distance 2 2 Space Show all shifts
distilled alcohol alcoholic drink produced by distillation of grains, fruits, vegetables, or sugar, that have already gone through alcoholic fermentation 5 Artifacts Show all shifts
distressing event 1 N/a Show all shifts
diver a person who stays underwater for long periods by having air supplied from the surface or by carrying a supply of compressed air (Merriam-Webster) 1 1 N/a Show all shifts
do not see 1 N/a Show all shifts
dock-tailed, tailless 3 Other physical Show all shifts
doctor, physician medical doctor trained in human medicine 1 4 Human being Show all shifts
document (n.) 1 1 Artifacts Show all shifts
dog mammal, Canis familiaris or Canis lupus familiaris, that has been domesticated for thousands of years, of highly variable appearance due to human breeding 29 1 Animals Show all shifts
dog-rose European wild rose, Rosa canina, having fragrant white or pink flowers and stems with sharp spines 6 Plants Show all shifts
doll toy in the form of a human 5 4 Artifacts Show all shifts
dolphin aquatic mammal in one of several families of order Cetacea, famed for its intelligence and occasional willingness to approach humans 1 N/a Show all shifts
domestic (animal) 1 Non-physical Show all shifts
donkey domestic animal, Equus asinus asinus, similar to a horse 8 Animals Show all shifts
donut 1 N/a Show all shifts
doomsday day when God is expected to judge the world; end times 1 Time Show all shifts
door portal of entry into a building, room, or vehicle, consisting of a rigid plane movable on a hinge 11 2 Artifacts Show all shifts
door bolt bar of wood or metal dropped in horizontal hooks on a door and adjoining wall or between the two sides of a double door, to prevent the door(s) from being forced open 1 Evaluation Show all shifts
doorpost either of the upright posts on either side of a door, which together support a lintel 3 Artifacts Show all shifts
dormouse any of several species of small, mostly European rodents of the family Gliridae; also called Myoxidae or Muscardinidae by some taxonomists 1 N/a Show all shifts
dough thick, malleable substance made by mixing flour with other ingredients such as water, eggs, and/or butter, that is made into a particular form and then baked 2 2 Artifacts Show all shifts
downriver 2 N/a Show all shifts
downy birch Betula pubescens, also moor birch, white birch, European white birch or hairy birch, a species of deciduous tree, native and abundant throughout northern Europe and northern Asia, growing farther north than any other broadleaf tree. It is closely related to, and often confused with, the silver birch (B. pendula), but grows in wetter places with heavier soils and poorer drainage 1 N/a Show all shifts
dowry payment, such as property or money, paid by the bride's family to the groom or his family at the time of marriage 1 1 N/a Show all shifts
dragon legendary serpentine or reptilian creature. In European mythologies, a gigantic beast, typically reptilian with leathery bat-like wings, lion-like claws, scaly skin and a serpent-like body, often a monster with fiery breath. In Eastern Asian mythologies, a large, snake-like monster with the eyes of a hare, the horns of a stag and the claws of a tiger, usually beneficent 6 1 Animals Show all shifts
dragonfly 1 16 Animals Show all shifts
drama (theatre) 1 2 N/a Show all shifts
draught animal strong working animal used to draw a load like a cart, a plough etc., as opposed to a mount 1 1 Animals Show all shifts
dream (during sleep) imaginary events seen in the mind while sleeping 3 1 Abstract entities Show all shifts
dress (feminine) an item of clothing (usually worn by a woman or young girl) which both covers the upper part of the body and includes a skirt below the waist 1 2 N/a Show all shifts
drinking vessel 4 3 N/a Show all shifts
driver (of a motorized vehicle) person who drives a motorized vehicle such as a car or a bus 2 N/a Show all shifts
driver's seat 1 N/a Show all shifts
drone male bee, which does not work but can fertilize the queen 3 Animals Show all shifts
drop (n.) 3 2 Natural objects Show all shifts
drug, medicine substance used to treat an illness, relieve a symptom, or modify a chemical process in the body for a specific purpose 2 1 Artifacts Show all shifts
drum The drum is a member of the percussion group of musical instruments. In the Hornbostel-Sachs classification system, it is a membranophone. Drums consist of at least one membrane, called a drumhead or drum skin, that is stretched over a shell and struck, either directly with the player's hands, or with a percussion mallet, to produce sound. There is usually a resonant head on the underside of the drum. (Wiki) 2 N/a Show all shifts
drunk intoxicated as a result of excessive alcohol consumption, usually by drinking alcoholic beverages 4 10 Other physical Show all shifts
drunkard 1 Human being Show all shifts
dry 24 Other physical Show all shifts
dry (wine) (wine and other alcoholic beverages) low in sugar; lacking sugar; unsweetened 1 N/a Show all shifts
dry sandy soil 1 N/a Show all shifts
dry season yearly period of low rainfall in the tropics 1 1 Non-physical Show all shifts
dubious legality 2 N/a Show all shifts
duck 4 N/a Show all shifts
duckweed reduced floating aquatic plants in the subfamily Lemnoideae of the family Araceae 1 N/a Show all shifts
duffer incompetent or clumsy person. 1 N/a Show all shifts
dump place where waste or garbage 1 N/a Show all shifts
dumpling food composed of a dough wrapper around a filling 1 N/a Show all shifts
dung 1 1 Physiology Show all shifts
dung-beetle Any of the beetle of the family Scarabaeidae (scarab beetles), especially of the subfamilies Scarabaeinae and Aphodiinae, noted for rolling dung into balls for use as food or as brooding chambers 1 N/a Show all shifts
dust 6 6 Natural objects Show all shifts
duty, responsibility 5 N/a Show all shifts
dwarf 1 N/a Show all shifts
dyed coloured or tinted with dye 1 N/a Show all shifts
dyer's greenweed (Genista tinctoria) leguminous plant Genista tinctoria, native to Europe 1 N/a Show all shifts
dysentery type of gastroenteritis that results in bloody diarrhea 1 N/a Show all shifts