a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Meaning Explication Aliases Taxon
<salmon> one of several species of fish of the Salmoninae subfamily Animals Show shifts
<small artifact> N/a Show shifts
<small insect> any small insect Animals Show shifts
<spotted animal> Plants Show shifts
<sturgeon> any marine or freshwater fish of the family Acipenseridae Animals Show shifts
<swimming bird> any swimming bird Animals Show shifts
sabbath N/a Show shifts
sable Martes zibellina, small carnivorous mammal of the Old World that resembles a weasel N/a Show shifts
sabrefish fish Pelecus cultratus Animals Show shifts
sack, bag Artifacts Show shifts
sacred, holy None N/a Show shifts
sacrifice offering of anything to a god; a consecratory rite N/a Show shifts
sacrum (bone) large triangular bone at the base of the spine, located between the two ilia (wings of the pelvis) and formed from vertebrae that fuse in adulthood N/a Show shifts
sad Non-physical Show shifts
saddle seat for a rider placed on the back of a horse or other animal Artifacts Show shifts
saddleback saddle-shaped ridge forming a shallow pass between two peaks Natural objects Show shifts
sadness N/a Show shifts
safety N/a Show shifts
saffron plant Crocus sativus Plants Show shifts
Sagittarius constellation of the zodiac supposedly shaped like a centaur who is an archer N/a Show shifts
saiga antelope Saiga tatarica N/a Show shifts
sail (n.) piece of fabric attached to a boat and arranged such that it causes the wind to drive the boat along Artifacts Show shifts
sailor member of the crew of a vessel; a mariner; a common seaman N/a Show shifts
saint N/a Show shifts
Saint Demetrius Demetrius of Thessaloniki. His feast day is 26 October for Eastern Orthodox Christians, which falls on 8 November [NS] for those following the old calendar. In the Roman Catholic church he is most commonly called "Demetrius of Sermium" and his memorial falls on 8 October. N/a Show shifts
Saint George’s Day the feast day of Saint George, celebrated by Christian churches, countries, and cities of which he is the patron saint N/a Show shifts
Saint Nicholas a 4th-century Greek bishop from Myra, Anatolia, patron saint of children, mariners and the unwed among others, functioning in multiple countries as a gift-giving figure around his feast day of December 6. N/a Show shifts
Saint-John's-wort (Hypericum) Plants Show shifts
salad food made primarily of a mixture of raw or cold ingredients, typically vegetables, usually served with a dressing such as vinegar or mayonnaise N/a Show shifts
salary N/a Show shifts
salsify Tragopogon, a genus of flowering plants in the family Asteraceae N/a Show shifts
salt common substance, chemically consisting mainly of sodium chloride (NaCl), used extensively as a condiment and preservative Natural objects Show shifts
salt shaker small container designed to hold salt and facilitate sprinkling N/a Show shifts
salty Taste Show shifts
Samhain holiday, falling on the night of October 31 to November 1, celebrated by the ancient Celts and by modern neo-pagans as the beginning of winter and the new year, and a time during which the spirits of the dead could return to the earth N/a Show shifts
Samsara In Jainism, Hinduism, Buddhism, the ongoing cycle of birth, death, and rebirth endured by human beings and all other mortal beings, and from which release is obtained by achieving the highest enlightenment N/a Show shifts
sand rock that is ground more finely than gravel, but is not as fine as silt, forming beaches and deserts and also used in construction Natural objects Show shifts
sap (of a plant) Natural objects Show shifts
sapling Natural objects Show shifts
sapwood, alburnum the wood just under the bark of a stem or branch, different in color from the heartwood N/a Show shifts
sarcastic Non-physical Show shifts
sated with food None N/a Show shifts
satellite of a planet N/a Show shifts
sati (Hindu practice) N/a Show shifts
satintails (Imperata) widespread genus of tropical and subtropical grasses N/a Show shifts
saturated (of colour) Light and Colour Show shifts
saturated (with something) Other physical Show shifts
Saturday Time Show shifts
Saturn Natural objects Show shifts
sauce liquid (often thickened) condiment or accompaniment to food N/a Show shifts
sausage Artifacts Show shifts
saw Artifacts Show shifts
sawdust Artifacts Show shifts
scale insect N/a Show shifts
scale, squama rigid plates which grows out of the skin of various animals (Wikipedia) N/a Show shifts
scales, weighing machine N/a Show shifts
scandal Abstract entities Show shifts
scanty, not numerous Quantity Show shifts
scanty, scarce somewhat less than is needed in amplitude or extent N/a Show shifts
scar Physiology Show shifts
scarf Artifacts Show shifts
scarlet fever Abstract entities Show shifts
scarlet pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis) N/a Show shifts
scatterbrain N/a Show shifts
scissors N/a Show shifts
scorpion Animals Show shifts
Scorpius constellation of the zodiac, roughly shaped like a scorpion. Its brightest star is the red giant Antares N/a Show shifts
scoundrel N/a Show shifts
screen (in cinema) viewing surface or area of a movie, or moving picture or slide presentation N/a Show shifts
screen, cover N/a Show shifts
screw, screw-bolt Artifacts Show shifts
scrotum Body parts Show shifts
scythe instrument for mowing grass, grain, etc. by hand, composed of a long, curving blade with a sharp concave edge, fastened to a long handle N/a Show shifts
sea Natural objects Show shifts
seagull Animals Show shifts
seahorse (Hippocampus) N/a Show shifts
seal (animal) Animals Show shifts
seal, stamp N/a Show shifts
season (of the year) N/a Show shifts
seasonal flooding N/a Show shifts
seat, chair Artifacts Show shifts
second (measure of time) Time Show shifts
second (num.) Abstract entities Show shifts
second wife second wife N/a Show shifts
secret Non-physical Show shifts
secret (n) Abstract entities Show shifts
secret; covert Non-physical Show shifts
sediment Natural objects Show shifts
seesaw structure composed of a plank, balanced in the middle, used as a game in which one person goes up as the other goes down N/a Show shifts
self N/a Show shifts
sense of smell Abstract entities Show shifts
sense, perception Abstract entities Show shifts
sensitive N/a Show shifts
sensitive (instrument) N/a Show shifts
sensitive (person) N/a Show shifts
sensitive, keen (of hearing) N/a Show shifts
sentence (by a court) N/a Show shifts
separate (adj.) Non-physical Show shifts
separately Abstract relations Show shifts
September N/a Show shifts
serf peasant of a low hereditary class, attached like a slave to the land owned by a feudal lord and required to perform labour, enjoying minimal legal or customary rights N/a Show shifts
servant Human being Show shifts
service, good turn Abstract entities Show shifts
seven N/a Show shifts
seventy N/a Show shifts
several a quanitity of objects less than ten and more than two. N/a Show shifts
severe (about pain) Evaluation Show shifts
severe, harsh None Non-physical Show shifts
sexual partner N/a Show shifts
sexually attractive N/a Show shifts
sexually transmitted disease N/a Show shifts
shadberry Plants Show shifts
shade N/a Show shifts
shadow Natural objects Show shifts
shadow Natural objects Show shifts
shadow side a side of an object (e.g. mountain) which is protected from the sunlight. N/a Show shifts
shadow theatre Artifacts Show shifts
shahada N/a Show shifts
shallow Size Show shifts
shaman N/a Show shifts
shaman hand drum N/a Show shifts
shame Abstract entities Show shifts
shape, form N/a Show shifts
shapeless Other physical Show shifts
share; stock Artifacts Show shifts
shark Animals Show shifts
sharp Tactile quality Show shifts
sharp point Artifacts Show shifts
sharpshooter person trained to shoot precisely with a rifle Non-physical Show shifts
sheaf Artifacts Show shifts
sheath Artifacts Show shifts
sheep Animals Show shifts
sheet of paper Artifacts Show shifts
shell (of an egg) N/a Show shifts
shell (of mollusc) None Animals Show shifts
shepherd's pipe (musical instrument) N/a Show shifts
Shevat fifth month of the civil year and the eleventh month of the ecclesiastical year in the Jewish calendar, after Tevet and before Adar N/a Show shifts
shield Artifacts Show shifts
shin part of the leg below the knee N/a Show shifts
shinbone N/a Show shifts
shine (n.) Abstract entities Show shifts
ship's bells the strokes on a ship's bell, every half hour, to mark the passage of time. In each of the day's six watches of four hours, one bell marks the end of the first half hour, eight bells marks the end of the watch N/a Show shifts
ship, vessel Artifacts Show shifts
shirt an article of clothing that is worn on the upper part of the body, and often has sleeves, either long or short, that cover the arms N/a Show shifts
shive splinter or fragment of the woody core of flax or hemp broken off in braking or scutching N/a Show shifts
shoal Natural objects Show shifts
shoehorn smooth tool that assists in putting the foot into a shoe Abstract entities Show shifts
shoes' soles N/a Show shifts
shooter N/a Show shifts
shooting target object in various forms and shapes that are used for pistol, rifle, shotgun and other shooting sports, as well as in darts, target archery, crossbow shooting and other sports N/a Show shifts
shop Artifacts Show shifts
short (size) Size Show shifts
short person N/a Show shifts
short, brief Size Show shifts
shortly Time Show shifts
should, ought to None N/a Show shifts
shoulder Body parts Show shifts
shoulder pole a yoke of wood or bamboo, used by people to carry a load N/a Show shifts
shoulder-blade, scapula Body parts Show shifts
shout, scream Abstract entities Show shifts
shower head N/a Show shifts
shrew any of numerous small, mouselike, chiefly nocturnal, mammals of the family Soricidae N/a Show shifts
shrike bird Lanius sp. N/a Show shifts
shrimp, prawn Animals Show shifts
shuttle (in a sewing machine) N/a Show shifts
shuttle (weaving instrument) Artifacts Show shifts
shy N/a Show shifts
Siberian cedar (kedar) Plants Show shifts
Siberian flying squirrel Pteromys volans Animals Show shifts
siberian jay Perisoreus infaustus N/a Show shifts
Siberian weasel (Mustela sibirica) Animals Show shifts
sibling N/a Show shifts
sibling of opposite sex brother for woman, sister for man N/a Show shifts
sick, ill unhealthy Other physical Show shifts
sickle N/a Show shifts
side (n.) Space Show shifts
side of a coin None N/a Show shifts
siege engine N/a Show shifts
sieve (n.) Artifacts Show shifts
sigh N/a Show shifts
sign, designation Abstract entities Show shifts
sign, omen Natural objects Show shifts
signature person's name, written by that person, used as identification or to signify approval of accompanying material, such as a legal contract N/a Show shifts
silence N/a Show shifts
silent N/a Show shifts
silver Natural objects Show shifts
simple Non-physical Show shifts
simultaneously N/a Show shifts
sin Abstract entities Show shifts
since N/a Show shifts
single-eyed Other physical Show shifts
sink (basin for holding water for washing) N/a Show shifts
sinus (math.) Abstract entities Show shifts
sir N/a Show shifts
siskin bird Spinus spinus Human being Show shifts
sister N/a Show shifts
sister's husband N/a Show shifts
sister-in-law N/a Show shifts
sixth ordinal form of the number six N/a Show shifts
sizing tool Artifacts Show shifts
skeleton N/a Show shifts
skilful, dexterous Non-physical Show shifts
skill Abstract entities Show shifts
skilled artisan N/a Show shifts
skin (of a person) Body parts Show shifts
skin (of an animal) Body parts Show shifts
skirt Artifacts Show shifts
skis pair of long flat runners designed for gliding over snow N/a Show shifts
skittle, bowling pin one of the wooden targets used in skittles N/a Show shifts
skull Body parts Show shifts
skull Body parts Show shifts
skunk any of various small mammals, of the family Mephitidae, native to North and Central America, having a glossy black with a white coat and two musk glands at the base of the tail for emitting a noxious smell as a defensive measure N/a Show shifts
sky Natural objects Show shifts
slag, scoria N/a Show shifts
slander Abstract entities Show shifts
slattern Human being Show shifts
slaughter killing of animals for meat N/a Show shifts
slave Human being Show shifts
sleeping N/a Show shifts
sleeve part of a garment covering the arm Artifacts Show shifts
sleigh N/a Show shifts
sling (weapon) instrument for throwing stones or other missiles, consisting of a short strap with two strings fastened to its ends, or with a string fastened to one end and a light stick to the other N/a Show shifts
slingshot Y-shaped stick with an elastic sling between the arms used for shooting small projectiles N/a Show shifts
slippery of a surface, having low friction, often due to being covered in a non-viscous liquid, and therefore hard to grip, hard to stand on without falling, etc. N/a Show shifts
slippery jack (Suillus luteus) N/a Show shifts
sloth (South American mammal) N/a Show shifts
slow (adj.) Other physical Show shifts
slug terrestrial pulmonate gastropod mollusks, having no (or only a rudimentary) shell N/a Show shifts
small (amount) N/a Show shifts
small object Natural objects Show shifts
small quantity of something Abstract entities Show shifts
small tortoise-shell (Aglais urticae) Animals Show shifts
smallpox Human being Show shifts
smart N/a Show shifts
smell (n.) None Abstract entities Show shifts
smell of cattle usually bad, smell of animals N/a Show shifts
smoke Natural objects Show shifts
smoke hole in a tent-like home N/a Show shifts
smoketree plant Cotinus coggygria, syn. Rhus cotinus N/a Show shifts
smooth (movement) N/a Show shifts
smooth (surface) None Tactile quality Show shifts
smooth snake Coronella austriaca, is a species of non-venomous snake N/a Show shifts
smut (plant disease) Plants Show shifts
snail Animals Show shifts
snake Animals Show shifts
snipe (Gallinago) Animals Show shifts
snot Natural objects Show shifts
snout N/a Show shifts
snow Natural objects Show shifts
snow bunting bird Plectrophenax nivalis N/a Show shifts
snow-crust N/a Show shifts
snowball tree, guelder-rose, viburnum Plants Show shifts
snub-nosed N/a Show shifts
snuff (tobacco) N/a Show shifts
soaked in sauce N/a Show shifts
soap N/a Show shifts
sober Other physical Show shifts
socialist or communist N/a Show shifts
sock knitted or woven covering for the foot N/a Show shifts
sod (stratum of soil) N/a Show shifts
soft (adj.) Tactile quality Show shifts
soft palate soft tissue at the back of the roof of the mouth N/a Show shifts
soldering iron hand-held tool with a heated tip, used to melt and apply solder N/a Show shifts
soldier Human being Show shifts
soldier Human being Show shifts
soldier (plan, Stratiotes) Plants Show shifts
soldier who is approaching demobilization N/a Show shifts
sole (of shoe) bottom part of the shoe Artifacts Show shifts
sole, unique Non-physical Show shifts
solid crust on snow solid crust formed on snow after thawing and refreezing N/a Show shifts
solid, entire, continuous N/a Show shifts
some N/a Show shifts
somebody N/a Show shifts
something bad Natural objects Show shifts
son Human being Show shifts
son-in-law N/a Show shifts
song N/a Show shifts
sonorous N/a Show shifts
soon of an event that occurs after a short period of time Time Show shifts
sooner N/a Show shifts
soot Natural objects Show shifts
sorghum grass species Sorghum bicolor cultivated for its grain N/a Show shifts
sorrel plant (Rumex acetosa) N/a Show shifts
soul Abstract entities Show shifts
sound Abstract entities Show shifts
sound of a kiss N/a Show shifts
soup any of various dishes commonly made by combining liquids, such as water or stock with other ingredients, such as meat and vegetables, that contribute flavor and texture N/a Show shifts
sour Taste Show shifts
source (of a river) N/a Show shifts
sourdough type of bread dough leavened with yeast and lactobacilli that produce acids giving a sour taste N/a Show shifts
soured milk N/a Show shifts
South None Space Show shifts
space N/a Show shifts
spacious N/a Show shifts
spade, shovel Artifacts Show shifts
spades (in cards) Abstract entities Show shifts
spark Natural objects Show shifts
spark plug N/a Show shifts
sparkling wine wine that is effervescent because of dissolved carbon dioxide; either because of fermentation in bottle or by physical carbonation N/a Show shifts
sparrow N/a Show shifts
sparse Other physical Show shifts
spawn, roe N/a Show shifts
spawning N/a Show shifts
spear Artifacts Show shifts
spectacles Artifacts Show shifts
speech Abstract entities Show shifts
speed, velocity N/a Show shifts
sperm Natural objects Show shifts
sphere; ball Natural objects Show shifts
spice aromatic or pungent plant matter (usually dried) used to flavour food N/a Show shifts
spicy Taste Show shifts
spider Animals Show shifts
spider web N/a Show shifts
spinach (Spinacia) N/a Show shifts
spinal cord a thick, whitish cord of nerve tissue which is a major part of the vertebrate central nervous system. It extends from the brain stem down through the spine, with nerves branching off to various parts of the body N/a Show shifts
spindle Artifacts Show shifts
spindle (Euonymus) Plants Show shifts
spine, backbone series of bones situated at the back from the head to the pelvis of a human, or from the head to the tail of an animal, enclosing the spinal cord and providing support for the thorax and abdomen N/a Show shifts
spineless person N/a Show shifts
spiral N/a Show shifts
spirit (supernatural being) None Abstract entities Show shifts
spit, saliva N/a Show shifts
spleen (anat.) Body parts Show shifts
splinter (group of people) group that formed by splitting off from a larger membership N/a Show shifts
splinter (wood fragment) long, sharp fragment of material, often wood. N/a Show shifts
split (gymnastics) the acrobatic feat of spreading the legs flat on the floor 180 degrees apart, either sideways to the body or with one leg in front and one behind, thus lowering the torso completely to the floor in an upright position N/a Show shifts
spoke of wheel Artifacts Show shifts
sponge any of various aquatic invertebrates of the phylum Porifera, that have a porous skeleton often of silica Animals Show shifts
spool N/a Show shifts
spoon Artifacts Show shifts
spot of reflected light moving light spot reflected from a moving glass or mirror Natural objects Show shifts
spot, pip (on playing cards or dice) Abstract entities Show shifts
spot, stain Natural objects Show shifts
spotted N/a Show shifts
spout of vessel N/a Show shifts
spring (mechanical device) mechanical device made of flexible or coiled material that exerts force and attempts to spring back when bent, compressed, or stretched N/a Show shifts
spring (season) Time Show shifts
spring ice drift N/a Show shifts
spring, fountain Natural objects Show shifts
sprout new growth on a plant, whether from seed or other parts N/a Show shifts
spruce (Picea) Plants Show shifts
spur (for horse) rigid implement, often roughly y-shaped, that is fixed to one's heel for the purpose of prodding a horse N/a Show shifts
spur of mountain N/a Show shifts
spurge (Euphorbia) Plants Show shifts
spy N/a Show shifts
square (chess) N/a Show shifts
square (geometrical) N/a Show shifts
square (in a town) None Space Show shifts
squid any of several carnivorous marine cephalopod mollusks, of the order Teuthida, having a mantle, eight arms, and a pair of tentacles N/a Show shifts
squint-eyed Other physical Show shifts
squirrel (Sciurus) Animals Show shifts
St. Andrew Andrew the Apostle, an apostle of Jesus according to the New Testament N/a Show shifts
stable N/a Show shifts
stage, phase Abstract entities Show shifts
stairs, ladder None Artifacts Show shifts
stale not fresh N/a Show shifts
stallion N/a Show shifts
stamen N/a Show shifts
stammerer Human being Show shifts
standart-bearer N/a Show shifts
stapes small stirrup-shaped innermost ossicle of the middle ear of mammals, transmitting vibrations from the incus to the inner ear N/a Show shifts
star Natural objects Show shifts
starfish echinoderms (not in fact fish) with usually five arms, many of which eat bivalves or corals by everting their stomach N/a Show shifts
state (sovereign polity) N/a Show shifts
state, situation None N/a Show shifts
steam bath None N/a Show shifts
steam, vapour N/a Show shifts
steel N/a Show shifts
steep Other physical Show shifts
stem (of a plant) Plants Show shifts
stench Natural objects Show shifts
step (of a staircase, step-ladder) Artifacts Show shifts
step, pace Space Show shifts
stepfather N/a Show shifts
stepmother N/a Show shifts
steppe polecat (Mustela eversmanii) a species of mustelid native to Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia N/a Show shifts
steppe, plain Natural objects Show shifts
stepson Human being Show shifts
sterile N/a Show shifts
sterlet Acipenser ruthenus, relatively small species of sturgeon from Eurasia native to large rivers that flow into the Black Sea, Azov Sea, and Caspian Sea, as well as rivers in Siberia as far east as Yenisei N/a Show shifts
stern rear part or after end of a ship or vessel N/a Show shifts
sternum, breastbone long flat bone located in the central part of the chest. It connects to the ribs via cartilage and forms the front of the rib cage N/a Show shifts
stick (n.) Natural objects Show shifts
sticky N/a Show shifts
still (adv.) up to a time, as in the preceding time N/a Show shifts
sting (n.) N/a Show shifts
stingray N/a Show shifts
stingy unwilling to spend or give N/a Show shifts
stirrup Artifacts Show shifts
stitch single pass of a needle in sewing; the loop or turn of the thread thus made N/a Show shifts
stoker person who stokes, especially one on a steamship or steam train, who stokes coal in the boilers N/a Show shifts
stolen N/a Show shifts
stomach Body parts Show shifts
stone (material) hard earthen substance that can form large rocks N/a Show shifts
stone (of a fruit) Natural objects Show shifts
stone (of a fruit) Plants Show shifts
stone (piece of rock) None Natural objects Show shifts
stone in a ring N/a Show shifts
stone loach (Barbatula barbatula) N/a Show shifts
stop, stand (n.) Abstract entities Show shifts
stopper, plug Artifacts Show shifts
storehouse; depo Artifacts Show shifts
stork (Ciconia) Animals Show shifts
storm Natural objects Show shifts
stormy (of weather) Other physical Show shifts
story N/a Show shifts
stove Artifacts Show shifts
straight Other physical Show shifts
straight (angle) having a size of 180 degrees, or one half of a complete rotation N/a Show shifts
strain (microbiology) N/a Show shifts
strait Natural objects Show shifts
strange Non-physical Show shifts
stranger, foreign Interpersonal relations Show shifts
strangles (equine distemper) contagious upper respiratory tract infection of horses N/a Show shifts
straw dried stalk of a cereal plant N/a Show shifts
strawberry (Fragaria moschata) Plants Show shifts
street Space Show shifts
strength Abstract entities Show shifts
strike of lightning None Physical processes Show shifts
string (of a musical instrument) Artifacts Show shifts
strong Other physical Show shifts
strong (of liquid or smell) Taste Show shifts
strong (wind, frost) Tactile quality Show shifts
strong man None Human being Show shifts
stubborn person Human being Show shifts
stuffy, close Other physical Show shifts
stump (of tree) Natural objects Show shifts
stupid person with poor judgment or little intelligence Non-physical Show shifts
sty (on the eye) Natural objects Show shifts
subject (education) N/a Show shifts
subject (grammar) N/a Show shifts
submarine boat that can go underwater N/a Show shifts
subordinate (n.) N/a Show shifts
substance Natural objects Show shifts
substitution replacement for something that achieves a similar result or purpose N/a Show shifts
succesful Non-physical Show shifts
sucker (botany) Plants Show shifts
sucker-fish (Catostomidae) family of freshwater fishes in North America N/a Show shifts
sudden N/a Show shifts
suddenly N/a Show shifts
suffering Abstract entities Show shifts
suffocation N/a Show shifts
sugar N/a Show shifts
suitable Evaluation Show shifts
sulfur N/a Show shifts
summer Time Show shifts
summer solstice, St John's Day N/a Show shifts
sun Natural objects Show shifts
sun Natural objects Show shifts
sunbeam N/a Show shifts
Sunday Time Show shifts
sundew (Drosera) Plants Show shifts
sunflower N/a Show shifts
sunrise time of day when the sun appears above the eastern horizon N/a Show shifts
sunset N/a Show shifts
suntanned N/a Show shifts
supervision Abstract entities Show shifts
support (n.) Abstract entities Show shifts
supporting device a device used to temporarily raise and support pieces of material N/a Show shifts
sure, confident N/a Show shifts
surface Natural objects Show shifts
surface of water N/a Show shifts
surprise noun; in English the word "surprise" means both the emotion that a person can experience and a stimulus that causes this emotion, but for more accuracy the should be treated separately; this meaning entry should be used in such cases where it is impossible to distinguish whether the lexeme means an emotion or its stimulus Emotions Show shifts
surprise (emotion) noun Emotions Show shifts
surprise (stimulus) noun N/a Show shifts
surprising adj; such that causes surprise, unexpected N/a Show shifts
surroundings area surrounding someone or something N/a Show shifts
suspicious, questionable N/a Show shifts
swallow (bird) N/a Show shifts
swamp Natural objects Show shifts
swan bird Cygnus spp. N/a Show shifts
swearword N/a Show shifts
sweat Physiology Show shifts
sweet (taste) Taste Show shifts
sweet cherry Prunus avium, deciduous tree in the rose family N/a Show shifts
sweet clover N/a Show shifts
sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) N/a Show shifts
sweet-smelling, fragrant Taste Show shifts
sweetheart N/a Show shifts
sweets, candy N/a Show shifts
swelling (on skin) Body parts Show shifts
swift (bird) small plain-colored bird of the family Apodidae that resembles a swallow and is noted for its rapid flight N/a Show shifts
swim bladder gas-filled sac within the bodies of most fish N/a Show shifts
swing (hanging seat) N/a Show shifts
sword long-bladed weapon that has a handle (and sometimes a hilt) and is designed to stab, cut or slash Artifacts Show shifts
syllable N/a Show shifts
synagogue N/a Show shifts
syphilis Physiology Show shifts