a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Meaning Explication Aliases Taxon
<person of a different faith> N/a Show shifts
<place name> Natural objects Show shifts
<plant (biol.)> Plants Show shifts
<positive evaluation> N/a Show shifts
<priest> N/a Show shifts
<profession> Human being Show shifts
pacemaker (running) N/a Show shifts
pack of cards Artifacts Show shifts
page Artifacts Show shifts
pain Abstract entities Show shifts
paint, dye (n.) Artifacts Show shifts
pair N/a Show shifts
pair of compasses Artifacts Show shifts
palace Artifacts Show shifts
palatal (sound) N/a Show shifts
palate Body parts Show shifts
pale N/a Show shifts
palm (body part) Body parts Show shifts
palm (tree) N/a Show shifts
palmyra palm any palm of the genus Borassus of fan palms N/a Show shifts
pancreas gland near the stomach which secretes a fluid into the duodenum to help with food digestion N/a Show shifts
pandanus any of various palm-like plants in the genus Pandanus N/a Show shifts
paper Artifacts Show shifts
papular eruption (on the skin) N/a Show shifts
parachute N/a Show shifts
paradise, heaven place where sanctified souls are believed to live after death N/a Show shifts
paragraph N/a Show shifts
paralyzed Other physical Show shifts
parents Human being Show shifts
parliament legislative branch of government, a deliberative assembly or set of assemblies whose elected or appointed members meet to debate the major political issues of the day, make, amend, and repeal laws N/a Show shifts
parrot A kind of bird, many species of which are colorful and able to mimic human speech, of the order Psittaciformes or (narrowly) of the family Psittacidae N/a Show shifts
parsley biennial herb, Petroselinum crispum Time Show shifts
parsnip biennial plant, Pastinaca sativa, with edible roots N/a Show shifts
part Abstract entities Show shifts
participant in the ritual wedding procession N/a Show shifts
partridge bird Perdix sp. N/a Show shifts
party, soiree N/a Show shifts
pass (document allowing admission) N/a Show shifts
passageway Natural objects Show shifts
passion (in game) Abstract entities Show shifts
passionate about Abstract relations Show shifts
passionate, zealous Non-physical Show shifts
password word used to gain admittance or to gain access to information N/a Show shifts
pasture (n.) land, specifically, an open field, on which livestock is kept for feeding N/a Show shifts
patch Artifacts Show shifts
patience quality of being patient N/a Show shifts
patron, protector N/a Show shifts
paw Body parts Show shifts
pawn (in chess) Artifacts Show shifts
payment Abstract entities Show shifts
pea Plants Show shifts
peace Abstract entities Show shifts
peach Plants Show shifts
peacock peafowl, especially Pavo cristatus, notable for its brilliant iridescently ocellated tail N/a Show shifts
peak of mountain Natural objects Show shifts
peanut legume resembling a nut, the fruit of the plant Arachis hypogaea N/a Show shifts
pear Plants Show shifts
pearl a hard, glistening object produced within the soft tissue (specifically the mantle) of a living shelled mollusk or another animal (Wikipedia) N/a Show shifts
pearl barley barley that has had the husk and bran removed N/a Show shifts
pedestal N/a Show shifts
pedestrian N/a Show shifts
pedestrian crossing Artifacts Show shifts
peephole Artifacts Show shifts
peer N/a Show shifts
peled Coregonus peled, species of freshwater whitefish in the family Salmonidae, is native to lakes and rivers of northern Russia. Its range extends from the Mezen River system emptying into the White Sea eastwards to the Kolyma River basin in eastern Siberia N/a Show shifts
pelican (Pelecanus) Animals Show shifts
pellicle, membrane N/a Show shifts
pelvis Body parts Show shifts
pen (for writing) N/a Show shifts
pencil Artifacts Show shifts
pendulum a body suspended from a fixed support so that it swings freely back and forth under the influence of gravity, commonly used to regulate various devices such as clocks Other physical Show shifts
penis Body parts Show shifts
people (pl.) N/a Show shifts
people, nation Human being Show shifts
pepperwort N/a Show shifts
perch (Perca fluviatilis) Animals Show shifts
perfect person N/a Show shifts
perfect, complete N/a Show shifts
perfectr, complete N/a Show shifts
perfume, scent Artifacts Show shifts
pericarp of a lotus pericarp of a lotus N/a Show shifts
period of time Time Show shifts
permission N/a Show shifts
persimmon type of fruit, of orange colour, very sweet, quite astringent when immature (Diospyros kaki ) N/a Show shifts
person (grammar) linguistic category used to distinguish between the speaker of an utterance and those to whom or about whom they are speaking N/a Show shifts
person of small stature Human being Show shifts
pestle club-shaped, round-headed stick used in a mortar to pound, crush, rub or grind things N/a Show shifts
petrel (Procellaria) N/a Show shifts
petroleum, oil Natural objects Show shifts
phantom, ghost Abstract entities Show shifts
pharaoh supreme ruler of ancient Egypt N/a Show shifts
pheasant bird of family Phasianidae, often hunted for food N/a Show shifts
phosphorus N/a Show shifts
photograph picture created by projecting an image onto a photosensitive surface such as a chemically treated plate or film N/a Show shifts
pickaxe N/a Show shifts
picture representation of anything (as a person, a landscape, a building) upon canvas, paper, or other surface, by drawing, painting, printing, photography, etc. N/a Show shifts
pig (Sus scrofa) Animals Show shifts
pigeon (Columba) Animals Show shifts
piglet young pig N/a Show shifts
pig`s snout Body parts Show shifts
pike (fish) N/a Show shifts
pill, tablet N/a Show shifts
pillar N/a Show shifts
pillow N/a Show shifts
pillowcase washable, easily removable cloth cover for pillows N/a Show shifts
pilot sucker Animals Show shifts
pimple Body parts Show shifts
pincer (of a lobster, crab) Body parts Show shifts
pine-tree Plants Show shifts
pineapple tropical plant, Ananas comosus, native to South America, and a fruit of this plant N/a Show shifts
pink N/a Show shifts
pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) N/a Show shifts
pip (disease of birds) Physiology Show shifts
piper (musician) musician who plays a pipe Natural objects Show shifts
Pisces constellation of the zodiac N/a Show shifts
pit Artifacts Show shifts
pitchfork agricultural tool comprising a fork with sparse, light tines, attached to a long handle, used for pitching hay (especially loose hay) high up onto a stack N/a Show shifts
pith, medulla soft, spongy substance in the center of the stems of many plants and trees N/a Show shifts
place Space Show shifts
place of employment, job N/a Show shifts
plaice (fish) N/a Show shifts
plaintive sounding sorrowful, mournful or melancholic N/a Show shifts
plait, braid Artifacts Show shifts
planet each of the seven major bodies which move relative to the fixed stars in the night sky—the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn Natural objects Show shifts
plant (biol.) Plants Show shifts
plant-louse ( Aphidae) Animals Show shifts
plantain (Plantago) Plants Show shifts
planting (in ground) act of setting a plant in the ground for growth N/a Show shifts
plastic synthetic, solid, hydrocarbon-based polymer Other physical Show shifts
platan Plants Show shifts
plate (a serving dish) slightly curved but almost flat dish from which food is served or eaten N/a Show shifts
plateau Natural objects Show shifts
platinum chemical element with atomic number 78 and symbol Pt; a dense, malleable, ductile, highly unreactive, silverish-white transition metal of great value Artifacts Show shifts
playing cards Artifacts Show shifts
pleasant Evaluation Show shifts
pleasure Abstract entities Show shifts
Pleiades N/a Show shifts
plot of land N/a Show shifts
plough, ard Artifacts Show shifts
ploughing breaking of the ground into furrows (with a plough) for planting N/a Show shifts
ploughshare cutting edge of a plow, typically a metal blade N/a Show shifts
plum Plants Show shifts
plum blossom N/a Show shifts
pocket None Artifacts Show shifts
pockmarked having pockmarks (marks or scars in the skin caused by a pock) N/a Show shifts
pod Plants Show shifts
poet Human being Show shifts
poetry Abstract entities Show shifts
point of a needle N/a Show shifts
pointer (on a dial) hand (of a clock), needle (of device) Artifacts Show shifts
poison Natural objects Show shifts
poisonous Non-physical Show shifts
poisonous Taste Show shifts
polar night period of darkness that occurs in winter in polar regions north from the Arctic Circle and south from the Antarctic Circle, and during which the sun stays below the horizon N/a Show shifts
pole (geographical) N/a Show shifts
pole (long stick) long and slender piece of metal or (especially) wood, used for various construction or support purposes Artifacts Show shifts
Pole Star Natural objects Show shifts
polecat, ferret (Mustela putorius) Animals Show shifts
police officer N/a Show shifts
polite Non-physical Show shifts
political party Abstract entities Show shifts
pollen Plants Show shifts
pomegranate Plants Show shifts
pondweed N/a Show shifts
poor, needy None Non-physical Show shifts
poor, needy Non-physical Show shifts
popcorn corn kernels popped after exposion to heat. N/a Show shifts
pope head of the Roman Catholic Church N/a Show shifts
poplar (Populus alba) Plants Show shifts
poppy (Papaver somniferum) Plants Show shifts
porcelain hard white translucent ceramic, originally made by firing kaolin, quartz, and feldspar at high temperatures N/a Show shifts
porcupine any of several rodents of either of the taxonomic families Hystricidae (Old World porcupines) or Erethizontidae (New World porcupines), both from the infraorder Hystricognathi, noted for their sharp spines or quills, which are raised when the animal is attacked or surprised N/a Show shifts
pot Artifacts Show shifts
potato Plants Show shifts
pottery fragment Artifacts Show shifts
poverty Abstract entities Show shifts
powder fine particles which are the result of reducing a dry substance by pounding, grinding, or triturating N/a Show shifts
powdery mildew fungal disease of plants N/a Show shifts
power, authority Abstract entities Show shifts
powerless Evaluation Show shifts
prayer (text) specific words used for praying Abstract entities Show shifts
precipice, abyss Natural objects Show shifts
precipitous steep, like a precipice N/a Show shifts
predator N/a Show shifts
pregnant Other physical Show shifts
present, gift Possession Show shifts
previous N/a Show shifts
price Abstract entities Show shifts
prickly, thorned N/a Show shifts
pride Abstract entities Show shifts
priest (Christianity) Human being Show shifts
priest's headgear N/a Show shifts
priest's wife N/a Show shifts
prince N/a Show shifts
princess N/a Show shifts
prison Artifacts Show shifts
probably None N/a Show shifts
problem (mathematics) N/a Show shifts
profession N/a Show shifts
profit, gain (n.) Abstract entities Show shifts
profiteer one who makes an unreasonable profit not justified by cost or risk N/a Show shifts
profound intellectually deep; entering far into subjects; reaching to the bottom of a matter, or of a branch of learning; thorough N/a Show shifts
promise (n.) an oath or affirmation; a vow Human being Show shifts
pronoun type of function word or expression that stands in for (expresses the same content as) another word, phrase, clause or sentence where the meaning is recoverable from the context N/a Show shifts
propeller (of boat engine) mechanical device with evenly-shaped blades that turn on a shaft to push against water, used to propel a boat N/a Show shifts
proper arrangement, order Abstract entities Show shifts
property, possessions Artifacts Show shifts
prophet one who speaks by divine inspiration N/a Show shifts
prose Abstract entities Show shifts
prosperity N/a Show shifts
prostate gland in male mammals surrounding the urethra just below the urinary bladder that controls the release of urine from the bladder and produces a secretion that is the fluid part of semen N/a Show shifts
protection, patronage Abstract entities Show shifts
protégé N/a Show shifts
protein N/a Show shifts
protrusion at the end of a key N/a Show shifts
proud Non-physical Show shifts
proverb N/a Show shifts
puffball N/a Show shifts
puffin Atlantic puffin (Fratercula arctica) or (by extension) any of the other various small seabirds of the genera Fratercula and Lunda that are black and white with a brightly-coloured beak N/a Show shifts
pumpkin Plants Show shifts
pungent (odour) Perception Show shifts
punishment Abstract entities Show shifts
pupil (of an eye) Body parts Show shifts
puppet, lay figure N/a Show shifts
puppy (of a dog) Animals Show shifts
pure Other physical Show shifts
purgative (medicine) N/a Show shifts
pus Physiology Show shifts
push button Artifacts Show shifts
pyrite common mineral iron disulfide (FeS2), of a pale brass-yellow color and brilliant metallic luster N/a Show shifts