a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Meaning Explication As a source As a target Taxon
<berry> 1 2 Plants Show all shifts
<beverage, drink> 2 N/a Show all shifts
<bird> 10 3 Animals Show all shifts
<blood-sucking insect> 1 Animals Show all shifts
<body part> 1 N/a Show all shifts
<building> 1 N/a Show all shifts
babble-tube 1 N/a Show all shifts
baby 2 N/a Show all shifts
baby chicken young rooster or hen 1 N/a Show all shifts
back (body part) 16 7 Body parts Show all shifts
back of the axe head 1 1 Artifacts Show all shifts
back of the head 2 2 Body parts Show all shifts
back vowels (linguistics) 1 N/a Show all shifts
backdrop (visual) 1 1 N/a Show all shifts
backside back side of anything, the part opposite its front 1 1 N/a Show all shifts
backwards 2 Space Show all shifts
bad 11 23 Evaluation Show all shifts
bad (ethically) 3 10 Evaluation Show all shifts
bad luck 1 Abstract entities Show all shifts
bad person Human being Show all shifts
bad weather 2 2 Natural objects Show all shifts
bad-smelling, stinking Taste Show all shifts
badger (Meles) 6 4 Animals Show all shifts
bagpipes musical wind instrument, possessing a flexible bag inflated by bellows, a double-reed melody pipe and up to four drone pipes; any aerophone that produces sound using air from a reservoir to vibrate enclosed reeds 1 N/a Show all shifts
balance weight on scale 2 N/a Show all shifts
bald 6 3 Other physical Show all shifts
bald spot 1 Natural objects Show all shifts
bald-coot (Fulica atra) 1 Animals Show all shifts
bamboo 1 N/a Show all shifts
bamboo sprout None 1 N/a Show all shifts
banana flower 1 N/a Show all shifts
bank, shore 1 1 N/a Show all shifts
barbel 4 Animals Show all shifts
barberry 1 N/a Show all shifts
bare (feet) 1 N/a Show all shifts
bareback without a saddle 1 N/a Show all shifts
bark (of a tree) 3 1 Natural objects Show all shifts
barley 3 Plants Show all shifts
barrel round vessel or cask, of greater length than breadth, and bulging in the middle, made of staves bound with hoops, and having flat ends or heads 4 N/a Show all shifts
barrel (of a gun) metallic tube, as of a gun, from which a projectile is discharged 4 Artifacts Show all shifts
barren (of animals) 1 Other physical Show all shifts
barrier structure that bars passage 1 N/a Show all shifts
base (geometry) 1 N/a Show all shifts
base for beheading 1 Artifacts Show all shifts
basin (vessel) Body parts Show all shifts
basis 5 Abstract entities Show all shifts
basket 4 1 Artifacts Show all shifts
bass, low-pitched voice 5 Sound Show all shifts
bast shoe traditional footwear of forest areas of Northern Europe, formerly worn by poorer members of the Finnic peoples, Balts, and East Slavs 1 Plants Show all shifts
bast, the layer under the bark (botany) phloem, a vascular tissue in land plants primarily responsible for the distribution of sugars and nutrients manufactured in the shoot; fibre made from the phloem of certain plants and used for matting and cord 1 1 Natural objects Show all shifts
bastard 2 8 Human being Show all shifts
bat any of the flying mammals of the order Chiroptera, usually small and nocturnal, insectivorous or frugivorous 1 8 Animals Show all shifts
bath 1 N/a Show all shifts
bathroom 1 N/a Show all shifts
battering-ram 1 Artifacts Show all shifts
battery device used to power electric devices, consisting of a set of electrically connected electrochemical or, archaically, electrostatic cells 1 N/a Show all shifts
battle 1 3 Abstract entities Show all shifts
bead 4 2 Artifacts Show all shifts
beak 9 6 Body parts Show all shifts
beam 1 2 Artifacts Show all shifts
bean 1 1 N/a Show all shifts
bear (Ursus) 20 25 Animals Show all shifts
bear garlic Allium ursinum 1 N/a Show all shifts
beard 12 1 Body parts Show all shifts
bearded man 2 Human being Show all shifts
bearded vulture bird Gypaetus barbatus 1 2 N/a Show all shifts
bearing (mechanical device) mechanical device that supports another part and/or reduces friction 4 N/a Show all shifts
beautiful 12 18 Evaluation Show all shifts
beautiful girl 2 N/a Show all shifts
beaver (Castor fiber) 1 1 Animals Show all shifts
because of 4 Grammatical markers Show all shifts
bed 5 3 Artifacts Show all shifts
bed canopy 1 N/a Show all shifts
bed-clothes 2 N/a Show all shifts
bedbug (Cimex lectularius) 3 Animals Show all shifts
bedding (padding) 1 N/a Show all shifts
bedpan a shallow vessel used by a bedridden person for urination or defecation 1 N/a Show all shifts
bedsheet 1 1 N/a Show all shifts
bee 6 2 Animals Show all shifts
bee swarm 2 1 N/a Show all shifts
beech 3 3 Plants Show all shifts
beehive 2 4 N/a Show all shifts
beer alcoholic drink fermented from starch material, commonly barley malt; often with hops or some other substance (like gruit) to impart a bitter flavor 1 N/a Show all shifts
beet (Beta vulgaris) 1 1 Plants Show all shifts
beetle 5 2 Animals Show all shifts
before 1 3 Time Show all shifts
beggartick plant Bidens sp. 1 N/a Show all shifts
beginning 2 6 Abstract entities Show all shifts
behaviour 1 Abstract entities Show all shifts
behind 3 6 Space Show all shifts
belemnite 19 N/a Show all shifts
believer 1 N/a Show all shifts
bell 7 2 Artifacts Show all shifts
belladonna Atropa belladonna, a toxic perennial herbaceous plant 2 N/a Show all shifts
bellflower (Campanula) 2 Plants Show all shifts
bellows 1 N/a Show all shifts
belly 13 5 Body parts Show all shifts
beloribitsa Stenodus leucichthys, a species of freshwater whitefish in the family Salmonidae. In the strict sense its natural distribution is restricted to the Caspian Sea basin 1 N/a Show all shifts
beloved 2 5 Human being Show all shifts
below, down, bottom part None 2 Space Show all shifts
belt 2 2 Artifacts Show all shifts
beluga sturgeon Huso huso, a species of anadromous fish in the sturgeon family 1 N/a Show all shifts
bench 2 N/a Show all shifts
bend (of a river) 1 Natural objects Show all shifts
benediction short invocation for help, blessing and guidance from God, said on behalf of another person or persons (sometimes at the end of a church worship service) 1 N/a Show all shifts
benefit 4 Abstract entities Show all shifts
berry 6 2 Plants Show all shifts
best 6 Non-physical Show all shifts
best part of something 1 N/a Show all shifts
betel an evergreen Indian creeping shrub, Piper betle, whose dried leaves are chewed with betel nut: the betel pepper 1 N/a Show all shifts
betrothal, engagement 1 Abstract entities Show all shifts
better N/a Show all shifts
bewitched (of a person) subject to an act of witchcraft 1 N/a Show all shifts
big 24 11 Size Show all shifts
Big Dipper (Ursa Major) bright circumpolar asterism of the northern sky, said to resemble a ladle or cart. It is part of the constellation Ursa Major and includes the seven stars Dubhe, Merak, Phecda, Megrez, Alioth, Mizar, and Alkaid 13 Plants Show all shifts
bile, gall 3 4 Body parts Show all shifts
billion a thousand million: 1 000 000 000 1 N/a Show all shifts
biotite dark brown mica; it is a mixed aluminosilicate and fluoride of potassium, magnesium and iron 2 N/a Show all shifts
birch 9 2 Plants Show all shifts
birch bolete (Leccinum scabrum) 11 N/a Show all shifts
bird 15 6 Animals Show all shifts
bird cherry tree 3 1 Plants Show all shifts
bird Nectarinia gutturalis 1 Animals Show all shifts
bird's foot 1 N/a Show all shifts
birthmark 1 2 Natural objects Show all shifts
biscuit, cookie 1 N/a Show all shifts
bishop 1 N/a Show all shifts
bishop (chess) 10 N/a Show all shifts
bison 1 N/a Show all shifts
bit (part of horse harness) 1 Artifacts Show all shifts
bitch female of a canine animal 1 N/a Show all shifts
Bitis arietans 2 N/a Show all shifts
bitter 17 6 Taste Show all shifts
bitterling 1 Animals Show all shifts
bittern (Botaurus) 1 Animals Show all shifts
bivalve mollusk None 1 Artifacts Show all shifts
black 31 7 Light and Colour Show all shifts
black cloud 5 1 Natural objects Show all shifts
black grouse bird Lyrurus tetrix (syn. Tetrao tetrix) 1 N/a Show all shifts
black grouse (Lyrurus) 1 1 Animals Show all shifts
black poplar Populus nigra, a species of cottonwood poplar, native to Europe, southwest and central Asia, and northwest Africa 1 N/a Show all shifts
black radish None 1 3 Plants Show all shifts
blackberry 2 N/a Show all shifts
blackcurrant Ribes nigrum, a deciduous shrub in the family Grossulariaceae grown for its edible berries 1 N/a Show all shifts
blacksmith 1 1 Human being Show all shifts
blackthorn 1 Plants Show all shifts
blade 2 7 Artifacts Show all shifts
blank free from writing, printing, or marks; having an empty space to be filled in 1 N/a Show all shifts
blanket heavy, loosely woven fabric, usually large and woollen, used for warmth while sleeping or resting 1 N/a Show all shifts
blind 10 1 Other physical Show all shifts
blind alley 1 N/a Show all shifts
blister small bubble between the layers of the skin that contains watery or bloody fluid and is caused by friction and pressure, burning, freezing, chemical irritation, disease or infection 1 N/a Show all shifts
blizzard 1 N/a Show all shifts
blond person 1 N/a Show all shifts
blonde having a light colour of hair 1 N/a Show all shifts
blood vital liquid flowing in the bodies of many types of animals that usually conveys nutrients and oxygen. In vertebrates, it is colored red by hemoglobin, is conveyed by arteries and veins, is pumped by the hear 15 2 Natural objects Show all shifts
blood vessel component of the circulatory system, such as an artery, capillary, or vein, that carries blood 7 2 Body parts Show all shifts
bloodletting archaic practice of treating illness by removing some blood, believed to be tainted, from the stricken person 1 N/a Show all shifts
blue 13 3 Light and Colour Show all shifts
blueberry 1 N/a Show all shifts
blueflag (Iris) 1 N/a Show all shifts
blunt 4 3 Tactile quality Show all shifts
board, plank 8 Artifacts Show all shifts
boat 1 N/a Show all shifts
body 10 5 Body parts Show all shifts
body of water significant accumulation of water, covering the Earth, such as a river, lake or a bay 1 N/a Show all shifts
body part any part of an animal organism, such as an organ, limb or extremity 3 3 Body parts Show all shifts
bog-rosemary Andromeda, plant 2 N/a Show all shifts
Boletus edulis edible mushroom Boletus edulis 35 N/a Show all shifts
Boletus luteus 1 N/a Show all shifts
bone 15 4 Body parts Show all shifts
bone marrow None 4 2 Body parts Show all shifts
bonefire N/a Show all shifts
book (n.) 2 2 Artifacts Show all shifts
book spine narrow, bound edge of a book that encloses the inner edges of the pages, facing outwards when the book is on a shelf and typically bearing the title and the author's and publisher's name 2 N/a Show all shifts
boredom 1 Abstract entities Show all shifts
boring 1 5 Non-physical Show all shifts
boss 4 18 Human being Show all shifts
bothering 1 N/a Show all shifts
bottle 1 Artifacts Show all shifts
bottom 5 3 Space Show all shifts
bottom of a dress 1 N/a Show all shifts
boundary (of land plots) dividing line between two ploughed fields 1 N/a Show all shifts
bouquet bunch of cut flowers 1 N/a Show all shifts
bourrache (Borago) 1 Plants Show all shifts
bow (weapon) 11 2 Artifacts Show all shifts
bow, fiddlestick rod with horsehair (or an artificial substitute) stretched between the ends, used for playing various stringed musical instruments. 2 N/a Show all shifts
bow-legged having a bowlegs 1 N/a Show all shifts
bow-string 5 2 Artifacts Show all shifts
bowel 1 Body parts Show all shifts
bowels, intestine 9 2 Body parts Show all shifts
box, container 6 Artifacts Show all shifts
boy 7 2 Human being Show all shifts
bracelet 1 N/a Show all shifts
braggart, boaster someone who constantly brags or boasts 1 N/a Show all shifts
braid (of hair) weave of three or more strands of hair 1 N/a Show all shifts
brain (cerebrum) 8 1 Body parts Show all shifts
bran 2 Natural objects Show all shifts
branch (of a river) 10 Natural objects Show all shifts
branch, twig 12 6 Natural objects Show all shifts
brand, stamp 1 Artifacts Show all shifts
brass metallic alloy of copper and zinc 3 N/a Show all shifts
brave 14 14 Non-physical Show all shifts
brave person 1 5 Human being Show all shifts
bread 4 4 Artifacts Show all shifts
bread roll miniature round loaf of bread 1 N/a Show all shifts
breakfast 1 4 Abstract entities Show all shifts
bream (Abramis) 1 N/a Show all shifts
breast A woman's breast. 1 N/a Show all shifts
breaststroke swimming stroke in which the swimmer lies face down, the arms being swept forward, outward and back under the water and the legs are kicked like a frog's 1 Abstract entities Show all shifts
breathing 13 1 Physiology Show all shifts
breed 2 N/a Show all shifts
bribe 4 Abstract entities Show all shifts
brick (n.) 1 Artifacts Show all shifts
bride 8 6 Human being Show all shifts
bridegroom 2 5 Human being Show all shifts
bridge 6 2 Artifacts Show all shifts
bridge (of musical imstrument) device that supports the strings on a stringed musical instrument 11 N/a Show all shifts
brief 1 Time Show all shifts
brilliant, glaring 7 Light and Colour Show all shifts
broken 1 N/a Show all shifts
bronze naturally occurring or man-made alloy of copper in combination with tin 4 1 N/a Show all shifts
brood, hatch 1 N/a Show all shifts
broom 3 Artifacts Show all shifts
broth 1 N/a Show all shifts
brothel 1 1 Artifacts Show all shifts
brother 7 N/a Show all shifts
brother-in-law 1 1 N/a Show all shifts
brown 2 5 Light and Colour Show all shifts
brown meagre fish Sciaena umbra 1 N/a Show all shifts
bruise 2 Physiology Show all shifts
brush implement consisting of multiple more or less flexible bristles or other filaments attached to a handle, used for any of various purposes including cleaning, painting, and arranging hair 1 1 N/a Show all shifts
brushwood 1 Natural objects Show all shifts
bucket Typically a watertight, vertical cylinder or truncated cone or square, with an open top and a flat bottom, attached to a semicircular carrying handle called the bail (Wikipedia) 1 N/a Show all shifts
buckthorn (Frangula) 3 Plants Show all shifts
buckwheat 4 Plants Show all shifts
bud (of a flower) 2 3 Plants Show all shifts
bud (on a twig) 3 4 Natural objects Show all shifts
Budgerigar (Melopsittacus undulatus) 1 N/a Show all shifts
bug (Heteroptera) 3 1 N/a Show all shifts
buka test N/a Show all shifts
bulb (of plant) 1 N/a Show all shifts
bull 21 Animals Show all shifts
bullet 1 6 Artifacts Show all shifts
bullhead 1 Animals Show all shifts
bully 1 6 Human being Show all shifts
bumblebee 3 3 N/a Show all shifts
burbot 1 Animals Show all shifts
burdock 3 N/a Show all shifts
burial 1 N/a Show all shifts
burn (physical injury) physical injury caused by heat or caustic chemicals 1 N/a Show all shifts
burner element on a kitchen stove that generates localized heat for cooking 2 Artifacts Show all shifts
burrow (of animal) 1 N/a Show all shifts
burstwort (herniaria) 1 N/a Show all shifts
bush, shrub 2 2 N/a Show all shifts
busy 1 N/a Show all shifts
but, however 2 Abstract entities Show all shifts
butcher person who prepares and sells meat (and sometimes also slaughters the animals) 1 N/a Show all shifts
butt of a log 1 N/a Show all shifts
butt of the rifle 3 N/a Show all shifts
butter 2 1 N/a Show all shifts
butterfly 8 4 Animals Show all shifts
butterfly fish fish of the family Chaetodontidae 1 N/a Show all shifts
butterfly stroke swimming stroke in which the body is prone, the arms are moved in simultaneous circles, and the feet are kicked up and down 2 N/a Show all shifts
buttock 10 11 Body parts Show all shifts
button (on a dress) 4 1 Artifacts Show all shifts
buttonquail bird Turnix sp. 2 N/a Show all shifts
by heart 5 Abstract relations Show all shifts
byte 2 N/a Show all shifts