24 shifts found

ID Meaning 1 Direction Meaning 2 Status Realization number
2541 big great Accepted 23 Open Show map
715 big elder Accepted 20 Open Show map
2333 big important Accepted 9 Open Show map
2047 big thumb Accepted 7 Open Show map
4403 big grown-up, adult Accepted 7 Open Show map
716 big boss Accepted 5 Open Show map
2084 big loud Accepted 5 Open Show map
2848 big high (size), tall Accepted 5 Open Show map
4539 big middle finger Accepted 4 Open Show map
2851 big numerous Accepted 3 Open Show map
2852 big to grow up (intr.) Suspended 3 Open Show map
2853 big main Accepted 3 Open Show map
3376 big strong Accepted 3 Open Show map
6894 big rude, impolite New 2 Open Show map
689 big brave New 1 Open Show map
1716 big quick Suspended 1 Open Show map
2941 big of high rank Single* 1 Open Show map
3377 big proud New 1 Open Show map
3877 big pregnant Single* 1 Open Show map
4406 big difficult New 1 Open Show map
4534 big index finger New 1 Open Show map
7301 big February Single 1 Open Show map
8262 big husband New 1 Open Show map
8553 big loud New 1 Open Show map