100 shifts found in Kubachi

ID Meaning 1 Direction Meaning 2 Status
7531 to monitor, supervise to prohibit New Open Show map
0958 mouse muscle Accepted Open Show map
2525 to dig to bury, inter Accepted Open Show map
0917 high (size), tall loud Accepted Open Show map
3767 to cry (of animals) to cry, weep Accepted Open Show map
3951 to hiss to blow (about wind) New Open Show map
7497 hard, solid rich New Open Show map
1007 sun day Accepted Open Show map
3930 pure correct, right Accepted Open Show map
3941 slow (adj.) calm Accepted Open Show map
7534 <hat> man (male) New Open Show map
0061 straight correct, right Accepted Open Show map
0364 back (body part) support (n.) Accepted Open Show map
3945 to strike, hit to swingle, scutch, felt Accepted Open Show map
7530 fang claw New Open Show map
1994 face front part Accepted Open Show map
4292 leaf letter (text) New Open Show map
4150 elder boss Accepted Open Show map
4862 right (vs. left) best New Open Show map
1563 trick, hocus-pocus trump (in cards) New Open Show map
5599 female breast dandelion New Open Show map
0574 boy son Accepted Open Show map
1766 to catch up with to understand Accepted Open Show map
3942 end udder New Open Show map
4886 line footprint, track New Open Show map
0923 naked, bare bald Accepted Open Show map
3936 weather rheumatism Single* Open Show map
4885 bug (Heteroptera) short person New Open Show map
1506 hour watch, clock Accepted Open Show map
7524 air soul, spirit New Open Show map
2691 mouse rat Accepted Open Show map
2769 pure good Accepted Open Show map
0856 moon month Accepted Open Show map
3929 glass (material) mirror Accepted Open Show map
7501 to begin (intr.) to put into New Open Show map
7535 headscarf woman New Open Show map
6033 mouse squirrel (Sciurus) Accepted Open Show map
7528 to fill (tr.) to remain, stay New Open Show map
1381 coast, shore edge, border Accepted Open Show map
4861 healthy kind, good-hearted New Open Show map
3965 Friday week Accepted Open Show map
4883 wound (n.) plantain (Plantago) Accepted Open Show map
0366 heavy (of weight) difficult Accepted Open Show map
2183 to follow, go after smb. to act according to Accepted Open Show map
2880 thin (of an object) little, small Accepted Open Show map
4887 vinegar barberry New Open Show map
1394 donkey fool Accepted Open Show map
3939 middle, centre waist Accepted Open Show map
1509 yellow hepatitis Accepted Open Show map
3931 necessary toilet Accepted Open Show map
3937 to raise, lift (tr.) to discharge, dismiss Single* Open Show map
7536 sheet of paper talisman New Open Show map
4863 tail fat (of sheep) hearts (in cards) New Open Show map
3950 stump (of tree) cigarette butt Accepted Open Show map
1935 brick (n.) diamonds (in cards) Accepted Open Show map
3851 sty (on the eye) hedgehog (Еrinaceus) Single* Open Show map
7520 yolk yellow Accepted Open Show map
0315 to spoil (tr.) to deflorate Accepted Open Show map
0966 woman wife Accepted Open Show map
1394 donkey fool Accepted Open Show map
3944 to meet to be appropriate (for) Accepted Open Show map
1641 to throw to shoot Accepted Open Show map
0933 man (male) husband Accepted Open Show map
3940 necessary middle, centre New Open Show map
6748 tendon string (of a musical instrument) Accepted Open Show map
3943 standart-bearer idler, loafer New Open Show map
7529 to fill (tr.) to load (weapon) New Open Show map
4884 night badger (Meles) New Open Show map
7532 beet (Beta vulgaris) black radish New Open Show map
0744 tongue (body part) language Accepted Open Show map
5844 bitch <curse: bad person> Accepted Open Show map
4860 scorpion nettle (Urtica) New Open Show map
7499 heavy (of weight) fat (adj.)(of a person) New Open Show map
1056 to emit smell to smell bad Accepted Open Show map
2165 lion (Panthera leo) brave person Accepted Open Show map
7505 wolf chickenpox Single Open Show map
3935 grandmother witch, sorceress Single* Open Show map
4859 wolf lion (Panthera leo) New Open Show map
3401 frog tortoise, turtle Accepted Open Show map
0751 leaf sheet of paper Accepted Open Show map
7523 to pick, pull up (a plant) to disagree New Open Show map
3952 to charm, to delight to grieve (tr.) New Open Show map
1496 bowels, intestine sausage Accepted Open Show map
1055 lead, plumbum tin (n.) Accepted Open Show map
0733 curved false, wrong Accepted Open Show map
3953 animal fool Accepted Open Show map
2912 weak lazy Accepted Open Show map
3954 word language Accepted Open Show map
4889 hajji maize New Open Show map
7498 <vessel> skull Accepted Open Show map
1976 to make, create to give birth Accepted Open Show map
7500 to polish to render a wall New Open Show map
1985 silver money Accepted Open Show map
3955 mute, dumb talkative person Single* Open Show map
7525 hundred myriapod Accepted Open Show map
6435 sour sorrel Accepted Open Show map
2043 thick fat (adj.)(of a person) Accepted Open Show map
0381 to pull, to draw to smoke (tobacco) Accepted Open Show map
7533 street ravine New Open Show map
0807 rough, uneven rude, impolite Accepted Open Show map